I plan on moving out on my own in an apartment within the next 6 months... and I have come to a few realizations on just how scary (But still awesome) that may be... So here are the top ten reasons why moving is totally scary but also totally awesome at the same time,
1. Bills are a real thing... and boy are there a lot of them.
Who knew that there are so many different things that I could be charged a fee for... water, electric, gas, garbage, parking... and I know there are plenty that I'm forgetting. But knowing that I can pay all these by myself, that's pretty great.
2. I'm gonna be by myself.. like really by myself.
My mom won't be downstairs. My best friend won't be 10 feet away in the other room. I won't have a campus full of friends that I could go socialize with if I'm feeling lonely. It's gonna be an adjustment. But on the bright side I've made sure to leave enough room in my budget to get a dog. And those animals will make sure you know that you are loved and protected.
3. I should probably learn how to cook.
Right now I'm still pretty clueless. I have never bought any sort of spices or created any dish from scratch... but I guess the cool part about this is that food is a necessity, so I will HAVE to learn. and this means some pretty kick ass dinner parties are in my future.
4. I actually have to buy my own toilet paper...
And that's just something I've never had to think of before, buttah it's pretty damn important. So this makes me think that I'll remember to put it on my shopping list. This is a cool thing because this may be the time when I realize that I'm actually "adulting".
5. I actually have to figure out that whole laundry thing...
There are SO many different combinations of settings. Hot water, cold water, large load, small load... Do I need an extra rinse cycle? And then I have to separate them into the right piles. I'm tired already. But hey. I need to figure it out eventually.
6. What if my apartment isn't cute?!
I have to become a home decorator. Things need to match or compliment each other. Should I be trusted with this responsibility? I'll have no one to blame but myself if it looks bad... Lets hope the salvation army gets some cool furniture in pretty soon.
7. Calling into work will NOT be an option anymore...
Working is no longer just a thing you do to support your shopping habits. It's not extra money for another Papa Johns pizza at 11pm. The amount of hours you work is now what ensures that you have a roof over your head and food on your table.. So no more "sick days" to watch Netflix all day. I'm getting a little sad already.
8. Guess that retail therapy is gonna have to stop...
This also means no more shopping "just because"... The only clothing shopping that will take place is shopping for cheap underwear when the new dog chews all of them up and you really have no other options... But a benefit to being by yourself is that you can avoid any type of clothing for long amounts of time as long as you don't leave your apartment. IM GONNA BE NAKED ALL THE TIME.
9. There are a lot more house hold chores than I remember.
Like seriously.. dusting, cleaning the toilet, disinfecting the shower, vacuuming, dishes, laundry, cleaning the oven, cleaning the microwave... so many things. And I have totally taken all of these things for granted.. (THANKS MOM. YOU DA BOMB)
10. My mom won't be there to unplug my straightener after I've left it on all morning.
Speaking of your mom coming in clutch for all the crazy chores.. my mother has saved the house from being burnt down more times than I will ever remember because of her unplugging the stupid thing. Not to mention the electricity she's saved as well. Moms remember everything and now you have to start remembering everything for ourselves.
So, here goes nothing. Into the world of adulthood... Wish me luck.