Okay ladies, listen up! We've made some mistakes here in recent history. Contrary to popular belief feminism was one of the dumbest ideas ever brought about to the world. We could have gone all of this time slyly using our intelligence against men when they don't know it. All while we sat on our butts watching TV all day and attending to the children and household duties, but instead we had to let them know that we are smart. These are all the reasons that I am slowly beginning to resent feminism.
1. I have to go to college
Not only am I expected to go to school any longer than high school, which is already excruciating enough, but I have to even further my potential and knowledge. But don't let that fool you into thinking that it is a good thing!
2. What comes after college? a job!
Not only do I have to go through those years of college, but after that i am expected to get a job that I am able to fully support myself with because of the recent social movement telling me that I, "Don't need no man!" you know what that sound like? A lot of work!
3. I have to buy my own dinner
In order for me not to be a hypocritical feminist, when I'm taken on dates (which isn't often) I haveto offer to pay for the meal.
4. Doors are never held for me
Although I act headstrong, my arms are weak from all of the awkward little hops I make to get in front of a boy who I know will naturally try to hold the door for me. I get ahead of them to show off my independence and equality.
5. I cannot rely on my childbearing hips and pretty face
Times have changed which means I can't just pop out a bunch of kids and expect to be provided for. I'm going to to try really hard in school and in life just to get by.
6.The most random things offend me
It could literally be the way someone says my name, because of feminism, I am constantly aware of anything that could even be considered slightly offensive to women.
7. I think that everyone is going to rape me
I can't go for a nice run around my neighborhood because the femin-nazi's have made me think that every average Joe playing catch in the yard is a sex-obsessed, hormonal beast.
8. I think it's okay to grow out my armpit hair
When is that ever okay? I get where it's a metaphor, but where is the hygiene?
I'm too opinionated, defensive, talkative, and respect myself too much for guys of my age to ever think that they could get what they want out of me. My presence is a little too overbearing for most to deal with me.
10. I'm a b*tch
No i'm not, but because I have an opinion on the events transpiring around me, suddenly everybody hates me!