With Christmas literally just around the corner, I'd thought I'd share some thoughts. Christmas a time of year that just really gets me going. and you know what it probably gets you going too. So here are 10 reasons why I HATE Christmas.
1. There's too much happiness.
I don't know about you but when I come home for the holidays, I just want to be surrounded by sadness. Or anger maybe? It would be a good reminder of what finals week was like right before I came. But all the joy and happiness around Christmas? Ew.
2. Presents are literally the worst.
Like, who wants to express their love for their friends and family through gift giving? That sounds terrible. Who wants to see kids get excited over a new doll or toy? NO ONE, that's who.
3. Food, amiright?
I mean seriously guys! I'm trying to lose weight not gain it with all that super delicious food!
4. Christmas Movies. Enough said.
Why is it that we watch the same heartwarming, hilarious movies every year? WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?!
5. Decorations: What a hassle.
First you have to get them out.. then you have to decide where to put them... It's not really worth it for all the joy it brings.
6. Christmas Parties: Eh. Boring.
I'm only twenty, and nothing is fun when you're underage... not parties, not white elephants exchanges, not games with friends, not movies. NOTHING.
7. Christmas songs: Ba-Humbug
I think this goes back to the whole joy thing... nobody likes to be happy anyway.
8.Trees in general
Trees are a general nuissance and provide no extra love to the season. kthxbai.
9. Giving to others?!
Why would I want to help those less fortunate than I?
10. It's Jesus' Birthday Celebration? Actually no.
Jesus was born in the summer guys. Why do we celebrate this amazing gift in the WINTER
Guys, I hope you know, I'm just kidding, cause Christmas is amazing!
These are all the reasons I love Christmas. Merry Christmas, you filthy animal!