College spring breaks are weird sometimes, because there's a pretty good chance that when you go home for 'spring' break there will be snow on the ground at some point. Even if it's not sunny or 90 degrees, here are just a few of the best parts about coming home for spring break.
1. Family
It's been too long since you've seen them and you know it.
2. Homemade food
Not only do you not need to pay for it, but you don't have to fight off other college kids for the last bread stick (you just have to fight your family).
3. Daytime TV
Sure, Netflix has episodes of Law and Order SVU, but it's not the same as switching between that and the People's Court while everyone else is at school and work.
4. Seeing your friends from other schools
Maybe the trip across the state to their campus might be a bit much, but you can handle ten minutes to the Applebees in your hometown for them.
5. Sleeping in your own bed
Sure, you're used to the college bed now, but who wouldn't want to trade in a weird almost twin bed for a queen? Enjoy the space to roll around all night without hitting the floor.
6. Borrowing your sister's clothes
She's been shopping a lot since you've been gone. You could probably go all week without opening the bag you so carefully packed if you wanted to, but she might not like that.
7. Getting to see your young relatives
You can pretend you don't have the fear, but in the back of their mind every college student is afraid their baby cousins will forget who they are while they're away at school.
8. Sleeping in
Because once everyone leaves the house for work and school no one will know if you go right back to bed. Is there anything a college student wants more than 8+ hours of sleep?
9. Driving in familiar territory
The roads at school might be familiar by now, but you're not driving by your uncle's house or your elementary school or your favorite pizza place.
10. Catching up on everything you've missed
You've got to hear the highlight reel of the semester so far, but sitting at the dinner table is totally different than a grainy facetime call. You'd be surprised how much there is to talk about. Nothing feels as homey as settling in at the dinner table.