Take me out to the ball game, take me out for some beeeeeeeeer. Summer is still here and baseball is still going on. If you live close to your state's major city, you are most likely gonna go to the ballpark to watch the game or just go for the activities at the tailgate. Young adults make one game a day full of activities between noon til possibly 2 o'clock in the morning. But I mean, who's complaining in the end? Going to a baseball gives you many reasons (and picture taking) to go.
1. For the tailgate
Who would pass up a chance to go to a tailgate before a game?
2. Being with their friends
More the reason to make (un)forgettable memories
3. First date with a cute boy
I mean, I would want to see my date in a baseball cap.
4. Free beer/hot dogs
5. To wear a jersey as a dress
Style it up with a snapback, Converse or Adidas Superstars.
6. Just for pics
If you didn't take pictures at the baseball game, did you really go?
7. â…• of the group actually cares about the game
For us tomboys that actually care about sports.
8. The after-game concert
Those are always l i t .
9. There are bars in the same complex
Tailgate, drank, baseball game, drank, bars afterward, floor
10. To support the local city's team
Always support your local city, even if you don't root for them.