This is it. We are almost at the end of another school year. For some of us, that means we are finishing our Freshmen year of college. And we will either be taking summer classes or going home. But for some, that means moving out of the required dorms and into our very first apartment. Along that thought, some of us are considering getting our first pet outside our parents' home. Here are 11 reasons why you should get a cat.
1. They make amazing cuddling buddies.
Sometimes, after a long day of school and work, all you want to do is cuddle someone or something. Cats make excellent cuddle buddies.
2. Purring. The most comforting sound on the planet.
If you cuddle and pet your cat is just the right way, you are rewarded with that gentle humming sound of purring.
3. Cats are especially low maintenance.
Cats do not require much. Just your unwavering attention and love. Perfect for a just starting college student.
4. Cats are independent.
Cats are less needy than other pets, with no special needs or requirements.
5. Their energy makes playing with them all the more fun.
It is easy to get the attention of naturally curious cats, the flick of a feather or the beam of a laser is enough to make entertainment for you.
6. Their life span is longer than most other pets.
With an average lifespan of 14 years, cats can be your partner in crime for a while.
7. Cats will keep your home clean of any pesky critters.
Cats are natural hunters and will go after anything that looks suspicious and should not be there. Finally! No spiders.
8. Cats are proven to encourage good health.
A study conducted by the University of Minnesota in 2014 revealed that owning a cat reduces stress and anxiety. Something that is very common among college students.
9. Cats are not demanding.
Research indicates that cats can sleep anywhere from 16-20 hours a day, perfect since being a college student probably requires you to be away from home for a period of time.
10. You can become an Internet Star.
You know what I mean, you have probably even gone looking for cat videos. Why not make a few of your own?
11. Once your bond is formed, you'll have a loyal friend for life.
It does take some time for cats to fully accept you. But once you gain their trust, you have gained a furry best friend. Cats are known for being fiercely loyal and protective toward their human friends.