Moving back to college after a long, luxurious break is always hard at first. Life on campus is so much different from your Netfix-binge filled days at home...okay, maybe not, but the first few days back at school might feel that way. Here are a few reason why the first week back is the hardest.
1. Going back to dorm life is a tough adjustment.
Living in a dorm can be super exciting and fun, but it's probably one of the harder adjustments to tackle when you get back to campus. From the public bathrooms, to the tiny beds, to the ever-fluctuating temperatures, it takes some time to feel at home again. Plus, shower shoes.
2. Your schedule changes drastically.
At home, you lounge around watching Parks and Recreation all day in your pajamas, but back at school you're faced with a real person schedule. Between clubs, classes, meetings, work, and breakdowns over how tired you are, how are you ever going to get anything done?
3. Your sleep schedule needs serious help.
Why did you let yourself sleep until 2pm every day over break? Now you're faced with an 8am class and an alarm that sounds like impending doom. You're crashing at random times and places during the day and trying to perfect the art of unnoticeably napping in class. Must. Keep. Eyes. Open.
4. Academics are a thing.
In all the excitement of moving back in and seeing friends, you probably forgot about school... ya know, the reason you're here in the first place. But you'll soon remember when you're sitting in class with no idea what's going on and about 5 hours worth of homework. Too bad you haven't used your brain in over a month.
5. The food just isn't cutting it.
At home, mom served gourmet, four-course meals on fine china every night. Okay, maybe not, but that's how you wistfully remember your home cooked meals while looking at the plate of mystery meat and over-cooked pasta from the d-hall. Time to break out the ramen.
6. You realize how out of shape you've gotten.
Between running to class after you hit the snooze button one too many times, the flights of stairs your leg muscles aren't used to, and the walks into town to buy Oreos at the local dollar store, you realize you probably should've gotten up from the couch once or twice over break. Oops.
7. The freedom you have can (and probably will) be abused.
Should you go out tonight when you know you have a super early class tomorrow morning? Should you take a nap instead of writing that paper that's due way too soon? Should you eat that entire box of cookies? No, but no one's there to stop you, so you'll probably do all of those things.
8. You miss your friends from home.
They've been your best friends for years, and were there for you during all of your over-dramatic teenage meltdowns. They've shaped you into the person you are today and now they're scattered all over the country. It was wonderful to see them again over break, but now you're missing them even more than you usually do. Thankfully, they're just a text away.
9. You miss your pet. Like, a lot.
No matter how many times you leave them, it never gets any easier. What are you supposed to do without them cuddling with you and making everything better? You can't stop wondering if they miss you and asking your mom to send you pictures. How many days until you're reunited? Too many.
10. You have a hard time adjusting, but you know you'll get through.
Sure, it'll take some time to readjust to college life, but the beautiful campus, awesome classes, and super cool people will have you feeling at home in no time. Rough adjustment period or not, you wouldn't trade your college life for anything.