I must say, when I came out of the theater after seeing the first showing of Fantastic Beasts in our nearby theater, all I could say was that I was not prepared. With the Harry Potter movies, I had always read the book first. This, this was a J.K.Rowling masterpiece shown to me without warning and without hints, and it kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. I thought I had said goodbye to the magical world- how wrong I was. If you haven't seen it yet, here are some reasons convincing you to go to the theaters immediately.
WARNING: There may be very minor spoilers, but don't worry, nothing that will ruin the magic.
Recommended for you
1. The Nostalgia
When the John Williams music starts playing, you know you're in for a ride. Little allusions like this, right in the opening scenes, gives your heart a jolt.
2. In this time period DUMBLEDORE IS STILL ALIVE
Honestly, for me, Dumbledore's death was not the most heart-wrenching of the series. However, ranking after the death of Dobby, Fred Weasley, Lupin, and Sirius Black, it is still quite powerful and emotional. The point is, no one can tell me that they are not happy to see Albus Dumbledore alive again, as well as hear and see more about his past.
3. J.K. Rowling's power of description and attention to detail
One thing that makes J.K. Rowling such a fantastic writer is her beautiful description. This movie's setting is gorgeously complete and engaging, bringing you into the story and wanting to know the characters in it.
4. Eddie Redmayne
Eddie Redmayne as Newt is one of my favorite aspects of the movie. Newt is quirky and awkward, but in a charming way- plus he is a Hufflepuff! Not to mention Eddie completely geeked out at choosing a wand, which he travels with and carries on occasion.
5. The fantastic beasts themselves
The beasts that are created are adorable and majestic in themselves, and they are beautifully pictured in the movie. Each have their own story, and most have been referenced in the Harry Potter novels, as yet another nod to the previous films.
6. There's a lovable muggle
Face it, the muggles, or no magics, aren't really portrayed favorably
7. Explanations
After seeing this film, it is so clear that there are even more explanations in store. J.K. Rowling is definitely quite clever in thinking of the wizarding world as a whole. In an effort to not spoil the plot, I'll leave you to make your own theories, or read the many ideas coming from Harry Potter fans.
8. It's a fresh new take on the magical world
9. It stands on it's own
So my mom may have seen some of the Harry Potter movies once or twice, but she is far from an avid fan. Even though she could not remember or recognize any of the references to the wizarding world, she still thoroughly enjoyed the film. Why? Because in and of itself, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is a great, engaging, and magical movie.
10. So you're ready for the rest of the series!