It's official: Kygo and Kesha will be headlining this year's Spring Fling concert. Yet beyond just the concert itself, there are many reasons why Spring Fling at Penn is one of the most anticipated events of the year. Here's why you (especially any first-timers) should be excited for Fling:
1. The fried Oreos in the Quad.
You shouldn't eat them, but there are only so many times you can walk by that booth and resist the temptation.
2. An excuse to wear fanny packs (and witty tank tops) …
When else can you get away with wearing a Fling outfit but during Fling itself?
3. … plus the chance to show off your spring break tan.
Fling weekend is probably one of the first weekends when it's actually warm enough to break out summer clothes and show off that hard-earned tan from spring break.
4. Performances from all of your favorite student groups!
Still upset that you missed that Mask and Wig show or Glee Club performance? See all of your other favorite student performers take the stage in the Upper and Lower Quad.
5. Perfect weather (hopefully).
Even some rain wouldn't be horrible as long as it is warm.
6. All of the accompanying on-campus festivities...
You'd think it was NSO again, except now you actually know everyone!
7. …and the off-campus ones, too.
Fling is the perfect excuse to escape the Penn bubble and celebrate downtown.
8. For upperclassmen: the chance to relive your days in the Quad.
Because really, when was the last time you had an excuse to spend so much time in the Quad?
9. One last weekend of craziness at Penn before finals/graduation.
Finals? Graduation? Nah, you don't need to worry about that yet.
10. The fact that summer is right around the corner!
As Fling weekend winds down, the realization that the school year is almost over sets in … but it's not the worst thing in the world. That well-deserved break from classes is almost here!