After spending the last the months at home, I could probably give an extensive list of all the things I miss about SUNY Oneonta and college, in general. I didn’t know how much I would miss college until I spent an entire summer away from it. While I anxiously wait to go back, here is a list of things I’m excited to go back to at SUNY Oneonta.
1. My new dorm situation.
Living in a different hall is definitely going to take some getting used to this year but I’m excited that I will be living in a suite! At first the idea of living in a suite wasn’t exciting to me but as it gets closer to moving back to school I’m really glad my roommate and I found some girls to live with. I get to know more people and I don’t have to share a bathroom with an entire floor anymore!
2. Declining Dollars.
Over the summer, I’ve really learned how much I appreciate Declining Dollars. I haven’t been able to get Starbucks since I left last semester, which is a struggle when you get so used to drinking it. I also miss just walking into Mills Market and getting whatever I’m craving at the moment if I don’t already have it in my room.
3. Friends, friends and more friends.
After being home all summer I miss hanging out with my friends. I can’t wait to go back so I can see them whenever and make some more college memories!
4. Free stuff.
I miss just walking across campus one day and luckily running into free stuff being given away. Who says no to free stuff?
5. I get to add to my collection of Oneonta clothing.
I wouldn’t be surprised if I own every color of the Oneonta State T-shirt by the time I’m done with my four years.
6. Pizza nights with my roomie(s).
This is definitely on the top of my list for things I’m excited about. There’s nothing like ordering a bunch of food and pigging out after a week of classes. My roommate and I did this so many times last year and I’m sure we will do this with all of our new roomies as well.
7. Decorating my dorm.
I quickly learned the decorating the walls is a one-time thing because it’s a lot of work to redecorate a wall. So I’m excited for a few of my new decorations that I have for this year.
8. Getting my steps in.
I walk way more at college and I’m more likely to hit my ten thousand step goal at school. This also means being healthier because I’m walking more often.
9. Pokémon Go.
This goes along with getting my steps in because I’ll be able to see what they put on campus when it comes to Pokémon Go. I also hope on some days this will make walking to class more fun.
10. Just being back in general.
I know I picked the right school because I’m so excited to go back this semester. I can’t imagine what it’s like to not like the college you picked and I’m glad I don’t have to!