The majority of college students have probably thought about getting a dog, but maybe can't due to their landlords or it just remains a fantasy. However, I think college is one of the best times to get a pet. I mean I don't think there's a single person on campus that doesn't get excited when they see a puppy walking around! You can argue that if you go out a lot it may not be good for the dog or with classes it could get difficult to care for it, etc. But would it not be worth it to see that waggling and exciting face every time you come home?
1. You will learn responsibility
Dogs will require much of your time and as a puppy, it is important that you train them and teach them things. This is when they will require the most of your attention, but is also the best time! They will teach you how to take care of someone besides yourself, and even prepare you for one day when you have kids. Also, this will help time management and planning since most dogs require a routine.
2. You will never be alone
Having a dog means that you never will feel lonely or be alone. Even though you may live with five other people in a squished house, you can still feel lonely. But a dog will always be by your side and they will never say "no" to staying in and watching Netflix with you.
3. You will always feel safe
Having a dog makes you feel much safer than you can ever imagine. I used to have a dog and I would honestly never be scared being home alone, even if I heard noises outside or something scary. It is proven that if a robber wants to commit a robbery at your house/apartment and hears a dog barking, they will go to another place.
4. You always have someone to cuddle
This is the most important reason. Dogs will always be down to cuddle. No matter the time of day, doesn't matter if you are sick, they will never judge you for wanting to lay in bed and just cuddle all day every day.
5. They are great listeners
If you just broke up with your girlfriend/boyfriend, family drama, or friend drama literally anything, they will always listen. Since they also won't answer you with words, there's no way they can hurt you or make anything worse. You will get the best answers anyone could ever give you.
6. Your social life could improve
Everyone loves dogs. If you are a little on the introvert side, having a dog will make people want to visit and see it all the time. Even though they may not be there for you, you're still being social.
7. You will become more active
A dog will need to be walked multiple times a day, every week. This will force you to go outside and actually take walks and runs if you prefer. This makes you healthier and more active without even going to the gym!
8. They will always love you unconditionally
This ties in with not ever being alone, they will also love you no matter what. Even if you decide to stay in every night and eat junk food, or if you go out every night.
9. It is proven it cures depression and makes you happier
There have been multiple studies done that actually prove that having a pet cures depression and makes you happier. Getting into a routine and being forced to go outside daily is actually proven to make you a happier person.
10. Lastly, how can you not want this?
There's no way anyone can say no to this cutie.