10 Reasons Every Introvert Could Pass For A Cat
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10 Reasons Every Introvert Could Pass For A Cat

Hear us meow.

10 Reasons Every Introvert Could Pass For A Cat

Spirit animals. It's not as popular as it used to be, but it used to be a big deal. Everyone had one, and if you didn't, someone was sure to assign you one. It got to the point where it didn't even have to be an animal. I saw a t-shirt once that boasted, "Coffee is my spirit animal." While I see the point they're making, things got taken a bit too far. But within the ranges of the topic, there is some truth to it. Individual spirit animals may apply, but for introverted people (I speak as one of them) as a majority, I don't think there's any better spirit animal than a cat. They're so alike that an introvert could live among cats and the cats may never know the difference, but here are just ten of the reasons why we introverts identify so much with our feline friends.

1. We don't mind physical affection... usually.

We are not the person who hugs literally everyone. If we know you, maybe. Even then, we have limits. Don't get me wrong, there are times when I love a good cuddle. Even lots of cuddles. But sometimes—no touchy. Or the claws may come out.

2. In or out? We aren't always good at making up our mind.

Open the door, because the introvert might just come out of her hidey-hole and socialize. Wait, no. False alarm. The introvert decided she can't people today; close the door. Hold on, the introvert is looking longingly out again. Open the door, I think she wants out. She does! Okay, come here, introvert, good introvert. Want to hang out with us? You do? Awesome, I'll pull up a chair. Oh, what are you doing? Okay, open the door for her, she's going back in, I think she's had enough of being social.

3. Good luck earning our trust.

Introverts are naturally wary creatures. It takes a while before we'll roll over and let you rub our belly.

4. We have mastered the art of nonverbal speech

Talking is for the weak. It's too much energy. You know how cats look at each other like they're plotting something, and you just know they've got to be telepathic or something? It's the same thing with introverts. A meaningful look exchanged between introverts is a whole conversation. And yes, those exchanged looks do mean we're plotting something. You don't need to know what it is.

5. We often stay in one spot for hours—and it's great

Sunlight shining in a window, or a comfy spot on the couch basically brings on a form of paralysis. Give us a good book, Netflix, or even just our thoughts, and we'll be stationary for up to a day. And no, you won't be able to move us. That is our spot, and we are staying.

6. No surprises are the best surprises

Have you ever seen a cat with some weird object on their head? Looks like all of it's brain function has suddenly stopped, doesn't it? Or watched a cat walk into a room with new people in it, and laughed at how its eyes grow wide and it runs off? That's how an introvert feels when something unexpected happens. Especially if a lot of people are involved.

7. We look inside you and see the depth of your soul

We're literally always watching. Introverts are highly observant, and every little movement you make, the nuances of your facial expressions, and the tiniest details of your body language let us read your inner goings-on easier than a See Jane Run book. From the first time an introvert meets you, they probably have a folder in their mind with your name on it, containing all sorts of stuff you didn't even realize you were silently telling them. Don't worry, we won't use this information for evil. Probably.

8. Silence is golden

Ever been talking to a cat, and it just looks at you so fiercely that you take the hint that it wants you to shut up? Sometimes, introverts wish they could do that. Also, I'm sure you've noticed that cats are pretty comfortable sitting with their human and simply being—just enjoying each the company of their companion without ruining it with conversation. Sometimes we have as hard of a time understanding the ins and outs of customary small talk as you might trying to decipher what the neighbor's tomcat is meowling about at 2 a.m.

9. Someone talks to us

*makes weird noise and runs away*

I think we can all agree that cats are literally the strangest things ever. Something comes near them, or you talk to them, or basically any random thing happens, and it seems like they just don't know what to do with themselves. It's like their ability to process all information suddenly goes kaput. Yeah, introverts know what that's like.

10. Despite our standoffish exterior, we are capable of love

Like a cat, an introvert can be one of the closest, most loving friends you'll ever have. They are unwaveringly loyal to the few people they choose to open up to, and they'll love you unconditionally. You've just got to be willing to put in the effort to coax them out from whatever strange place they're hiding in.

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