10 Reasons We Should Elect Emma Watson As Queen Of The Universe
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10 Reasons We Should Elect Emma Watson As Queen Of The Universe

Because she really is that fantastic.

10 Reasons We Should Elect Emma Watson As Queen Of The Universe

Every once in a while, Emma Watson does something fabulous that puts her back in the spotlight. Originally known for her role as Hermione Granger in the "Harry Potter" film franchise, Watson has gone on to star in several other movies, as well as become widely recognized for her humanitarian efforts. Pretty much everything she does is magical. She genuinely cares about the betterment of humanity, and has a warm personality. The following list includes reasons why I truly believe we should elect her as Queen of the Universe. It's in everyone's best interest.

1. Her involvement in the HeforShe Campaign.

In 2014, Watson was announced as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, and then gave an address to the UN on behalf of the HeforShe Campaign. HeforShe is an initiative by the UN to promote gender equality worldwide. They encourage the idea of male feminists, stating that feminism is here for men, too.

2. She started an international book club.

Earlier this year, Watson started a book club on Goodreads named Our Shared Shelf. The group has over 120,000 members from all over the world. They read books authored by other feminists, including "How to Be a Woman" by Caitlin Morgan and "The Argonauts" by Maggie Nelson. Anyone is welcome to join and participate in group discussions, as well as make suggestions for future reads.

3. She pretty much is Hermione Granger.

Intelligent, compassionate and a fighter for what is right. If she is good enough for J.K. Rowling, she's good enough for me.

4. Graduated from Brown University.

She earned her bachelor's in English Literature. One year of her degree was spent studying abroad at Oxford University. Watson did take a year off to promote a "Harry Potter" film, but she went right back into her studies after. The community at Brown University allowed her to have a "normal" college experience and didn't treat her like a visiting celebrity.

5. She wore "sustainable fashion" to the Met Gala this year.

Watson's dress was made of all recycled materials, primarily water bottles. She told CNN that the conservation of the planet is certainly a feminist issue, and she believes that fashion can play a key role in that preservation.

6. She was listed in Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential People in 2015.

Watson was listed among people such as Angela Merkel, Bob Corker, Taylor Swift and Pope Francis.

7. She's selfless.

A few years ago, Watson asked fans to donate money to UNICEF instead of sending her presents for her birthday or Christmas. She said she wanted other children to be able to experience the joy of Christmas instead.

8. She has done work with Camfed International.

Camfed's goal is to get rid of poverty in Africa through the education of young women. Watson has traveled to Zambia to experience firsthand what Camfed is accomplishing.

9. She is wise.

10. Besides, just think how lovely she'll look on our postage stamp.

It's a "Princess Diaries 2" reference...but seriously. Look at her.

All hail Emma Watson, Queen of the Universe. It is well deserved.

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