This debate has spanned generations, breaking up families and friendships along the way. OK, maybe not. But it is still a controversial issue. No, not politics or religion. It comes down to dogs or cats? You've heard the terms "dog person" or "cat person." But what does that really mean? Here, I present 10 reasons why dogs are superior to cats. As if you really needed a list.
1. Dogs love you unconditionally.
With cats, it seems they are always too picky. You are there to serve them, not the other way around. For me, I like pets who love me no matter what.
2. They interact with you.
When is the last time you played fetch with a cat? Case in point.
3. They are dedicated and loyal.
Seeing-eye dogs are revolutionizing care for those with disabilities. Check out this article on a service dog going above and beyond. And for those interested, here's why they are so loyal.
4. They are always happy to see you.
Warning: Do not watch the above video unless you are OK with sobbing uncontrollably.
5. They are selfless.
I searched the web for "dog saves owner" and got hundreds of results. I couldn't include them all, But the bottom line is that dogs will give their lives for you. Here's just one example.
6. They can actually sense danger.
According to National Geographic, dogs have a unique ability to detect danger, including seizures.
7. They are so much cuter than cats.
I mean, look at that face!
8. They'll cuddle you.
This especially comes in handy during winter.
9. They keep you active and social.
Studies have shown that owning a dog gets you to walk more (how else are they doing to do their business) and, therefore, you meet new people.
10. Dogs are the best types of friends.
I could go on for hours, but here are some obvious reasons why dogs are companions for life. And, because I have to, here's a picture of my dog, Espresso: