Today, there are a variety of pets that a person could choose from. From puppies, to kittens, to fish, to hamsters. The type of pet you choose really says something about the type of person you are. According to the ASPCA, 37 - 47 percent of all households in the United States have a dog. As the weather gets nicer and nicer, puppy fever spreads like wildfire across the country. Throughout my life, I've had five different dogs and have experienced all the love and loyalty these sweet pets can provide their owners. From the 20 years experience I've had growing up with dogs, here are 10 reasons I believe dogs are (wo)man's best friend.
1. Dogs are the best snugglers.
If you need a snuggle partner, your dog is always there. They are soft, warm, and ready to snug.
2. Dogs can protect you.
Out of all the pets, a person is likely to have, dogs are probably the best at protecting the household. It's pretty difficult for a fish to attack an intruder.
3. Dogs are always playful.
The world is a playground for dogs. Anything that is tossed, they will chase. Anytime they have the opportunity to play a game with you, they will do it. There is never a dull moment.
4. Dogs are the best vacuum cleaners.
Have a fumble or a spill with food? Don't waste time getting out the vacuum cleaner, just grab a dog!
5. Food is never wasted in your house.
If you can't finish your food, don't feel guilty! There is a hungry pup waiting just below your feet for some delicious leftovers.
6. Dogs comfort you when you are sad or hurt.
Dogs have a radar where they can sense any time that you are feeling down or in pain. They will come over and lick you until you feel better-- even if they don't heal you too well, you will at least feel a little happier.
7. Dogs will love you like you're blood relatives.
When you raise a dog from the time it's a puppy, a bond is formed where they believe you are the same species. You are like siblings or parents to them and they love you no matter what.
8. They are the perfect source of exercise.
Dogs need walks and to get out to let out energy. If you need to go for a run, they are the perfect partner!
9. Dogs are always excited to see you.
It doesn't matter if you have been gone five weeks or five minutes, dogs will react the exact same way. Unless they are super exhausted or old, they will run to you filled with immeasurable amounts of joy.
10. Dogs are loyal.
You can be a complete mess-up and your dog will love you.
It's no wonder why your dog is your best friend.
You can find out even more facts about ASPCA and pet adoption and find your best friend, too.