If you're looking for a good time, maybe even love, then you have to date a Bills fan.
1. We're used to disappointment.
You let us down? It's okay, we'll give you another shot or 16 years worth of chances. Each time we forgive you, we'll hope you'll improve and gradually change into a better person.
2. We know how to have fun.
Bills fans are notorious for being the rowdiest fans in the NFL. Whether it's powerfully singing the Bills shout song after a touchdown or shotgunning a beer, we know how to have a good time.
3. We will stand behind you through ups and downs.
Okay, we'll at least, try to have your back.
4. We are very passionate about things we don't like.
Tom Brady.
5. We are very optimistic.
The morning of the first home opener we wake up imagining what it would be like for the Buffalo Bills to win the Superbowl. Each year our fantasies don't match up to our reality, but we just shrug it off and say "There's always next year."
6. We are actually very good drivers.
Come drive to Ralph Wilson Stadium and you'll experience all 4 seasons. One minute it'll be a complete blizzard, next will be a down pour and the next will be sunshine. We can handle even the most dangerous conditions to Orchard Park all while sipping on some Tim Hortons.
7. We are very creative.
If you have attended a Bills game, you'll see a lot of artists. Whether having an impressive decked out Bills outfit or having a giant bills logo painted on their chest. Our favorite colors are red, white and blue.
8. We have a sense of humor.
We aren't afraid to make fun ourselves or our team.
9. We love food, like really love food.
We aren't afraid to inhale pizza in front of you or we have no shame in eating more wings than our stomach can fit. Our dream date is pizza, wings, beer and a football game.
10. We can hold our alcohol.
I mean we will probably end up doing something very stupid, but we are all in when we hear the word "chug."
If you're lucky enough to have a Buffalo Bills fan in your life, keep them around. They're worth it.
And if you're a Buffalo Bills fan, keep doing you. You're awesome.