Dating a farmer involves so many things other than just dating. Sometimes, dates aren't your normal dinner dates, and sometimes dates start later than usual. Although it may seem inconvenient, here are ten reasons why dating a farmer is better than dating anyone else:
1. Your dates are typically in the tractor unless it's winter.
Planting and harvesting season require long hours, so sometimes on Friday nights your dates are in the tractor planting or shelling corn.
2. You don't have to dress up when you hang out.
You shouldn't even bother dressing up when dating a farmer. You will probably be going to help him on the farm or going to visit the farm animals. A t-shirt and muddy boots will do the trick.
3. When you do end up going somewhere, you both are shocked by how good you actually clean up.
Although dressing down is rather convenient, dressing up occasionally is pretty nice too.
4. One word: BONFIRES.
Bonfires and backroads are the only way to hang out. Being out in the country, seeing all the stars in the sky, and being around a fire with great friends is so much more fun than hanging out in town.
5. A day spent with them is never the same.
The one time you might actually get to go out on the town, they may get a call from the farm. Whether a piece of equipment broke down or a calf needs pulled, you get to tag along.
6. You already know he's a hard worker.
When your parents ask why it's taking you so long to introduce them to him, you have an excuse that they will approve of. He's a hard working guy that works long hours. Your dad will especially approve of this!
7. Wrangler jeans and cowboy boots.
Jeans and boots... What could look any better?
8. He's passionate about everything he does.
With his livelihood, he's always wanting to learn new things. He's passionate about farming and wants to expand his knowledge, so he's going to be passionate about you too.
9. He's independent.
He has learned over the years to fend for himself. He's good at taking care of you also, since he grew up faster than most.
10. He's grateful.
He's grateful for you and what you give him. He was taught growing up to work for what he has, and to take care of his belongings. Nothing makes you feel more safe than having a guy that is grateful for you and what you do for him.