1. Live music sounds better than a recorded/studio version.
I don't care how much you turn up the volume on your stereo, hearing a song live is always 100 times better.
2. You can meet new friends at concerts.
Because one thing is for sure, you have a similar music taste.
3. Seeing the artist in person is an indescribable feeling.
After seeing them behind a screen or in a photograph for months/ years on end, seeing them in real life is something you can never get used to.
4. The feeling of your heart falling out of your ass when the lights go out and the concert begins is the best.
Except the feeling when the lights come back on and you have to face reality again is the worst.
5. Every concert experience is different.
I don't care if you go to 20 shows for the same artist on the same tour, each one of them is a different experience.
6. You get to see the artist doing what they love.
You're at a concert for an artist you love getting to see them do a job they love to do. Love is just everywhere.
7. You get introduced to new music.
There have been so many shows I've been at where I don't even know who the opening act is and by the end of their set I'm already a fan of their music and have learned a little bit about them.
8. You'll have stories to tell.
Whether it be getting lost on the way to the venue, some drunk guy dancing a little too hard at the show, or your friend somehow losing her left shoe, there's always something to talk about afterward.
9. They're just downright fun.
You get to dance all night, screaming some of your favorite songs at the top of your lungs, with your friends beside you.
10. There are hundreds and thousands of people, who come from different lifestyles and have different stories, and they're all at the concert for the same reason.
For the love of the artist/music, and to have a good time of course.