There are some cons to choosing an out of state school. Here are the ten worst.
1. Transportation to and from school
Having to buy an airplane ticket and plan it weeks in advance is not a very thrilling task to do. Especially when plane tickets are pretty darn expensive.
2. Time change
Having to adjust to the time change is not hard at all. The hardest part is making sure you text or contact your friends and family members in an inconvenient time for them. This works the other way around too, especially when you have assignments to turn in during vacation and you’re the one ahead by a couple hours.
3. Different weather
The difference in weather can be daunting, however it can also be nice to have a change of setting once in a while. Although my home state and Texas do not differ much when it comes to the weather, it is still nice to get out of the dry heat of Arizona.
4. Can’t have homemade food
This one is self-explanatory. Homemade food is just better.
5. No car
You don’t have easy access to fast and reliable transportation for whenever you need to go to the store or just want a bite to eat. The public transportation is a wonderful idea when you want to get around and get to know the city, but it can be scary when you do not even know your way back to the campus. However, cars are more preferred and a lot quicker when you just need to go for a late night Walmart run for some printer ink at 3 in the morning.
6. You don’t know anyone when you first start
It is a little overwhelming knowing you are going to a school where you do not really know anyone. It can be intimidating, but it does not have to be. Sure you might not know anyone your first day or two there, but making friends is pretty easy.
7. Majority of your friends live in that dtate
When it comes to vacation time and you have to go back home, most of your friends’ home are in that state. It becomes harder to want to hang out with them.
8. A new city
Being in a new city is a good kind of different. Nonetheless, it still makes you uneasy being somewhere you are not familiar with. I know for me, it took me a while to wrap my head around where things were because I felt a little orientated when it came to trying to figure the streets out.
9. You leave your best friend
Although you do make new friends, you have to leave your best friend behind. It is hard having to say bye to those you care for and knowing you won’t see them for months.
10. You don’t know if your house or your dorm is your primary home
After spending more than two thirds of the year living in another state, I feel like that should be my primary home. However, I still have to write the place I spend less than 1 third of my year as my primary home. It is confusing and just adds another overwhelming thing into my already overwhelmed self whenever I have to think about it. Which in all honestly, isn’t too often.