High school is a really rough time for a lot of people. It’s easy to get caught up in all of the drama associated with cliques, reputations, and fear of judgment. Personally, I found high school to be extremely challenging. All my life I had been on the quieter side, but once I entered high school, my shyness took over in full force. College has given me the “blank slate” I yearned for. Finally, I was in an environment where no one knew my story, allowing me to be myself. This past month has been my happiest and healthiest in a very long time, so if you are in high school and struggling with anxiety and/or depression, I am living proof that life does get better after high school. Here are 10 reasons why.
1. You have the chance to start fresh.
High school is infamous for how much gossip spreads there. Everyone knows everyone else’s business. In college, however, everyone starts out not knowing each other; no one has any prejudgements of you.
2. There's a wider diversity of people.
In high school, your friends are more or less confined to people within your area code. However, in college, you’re introduced to people from all around the country, and the world. Perhaps their different upbringing has given them different views on politics, religion, and culture than you. Meeting people from different areas than you gives you a more open mindset and outlook on the world.
3. Sometimes a change of scenery is all you need.
You get to choose where you want to live for the next four years. Whether you decide to live in a city, suburbia or a rural area, the change of pace and the change of scenery are refreshing.
4. The positivity on a college campus is great.
Just like you, every other student has chosen to attend that particular school. People are typically happy to be where they are, feeding into a positive energy all around campus.
5. You're on your own.
Although not having someone to guide you through college is a big transition at first, it allows you to learn from your mistakes and your success, making you wiser and more independent.
6. Those cliques you hated are all gone.
Unlike high school, there aren’t any cliques in college. Although establishing a clique in high school may have been cool, and even “popular”, it’s actually looked down upon in college. Everyone is excited to meet everyone else, and best of all there’s no stress about trying to fit in.
7. Parties are more fun, and more welcoming.
Typically, high school parties were by invite-only. Social life in college is way more inclusive; you can walk into basically any party and feel more than welcome.
8. Your friends become family.
Not to shame your high school friends, but friends in college know you on a deeper level. Because you live with them, they see you at your best and your worst. There’s no holding back with these people. They are there for all the tears and all the laughs. Basically, they are the best people you will ever meet.
9. You can take a genuine interest in your studies.
Although your first year you’re required to take basic core classes, you may be able to take some courses within your intended major…finally, the chance to learn about something you ACTUALLY care about.
10. You have all the time in the world.
In high school, you spend about seven hours a day, five days a week, in class. In college, on the other hand, you get to create your own schedule. Including what times and days work best for you. This provides you with more free time to do the things you enjoy, while also completing your assignments.