When you go off to college, you are eager to get away without looking back. But after you have been here a while, you start to appreciate home more. You appreciate the little things your mom does for you. Sometimes a little bit of distance is all you need to realize how critical people are in your life.
1. Laundry is time consuming and a hassle
I'll wait until I have absolutely nothing left to wear until I do the laundry.
2. The homemade chocolate chip cookies
Nothing like warm cookies magically ending up being on the counter, waiting for you to eat.
3. Having someone who is always on your side no matter what
There your number one cheerleader no matter what it is that you are doing.
4. The random trips to the grocery store
Because sometimes getting one thing from the grocery store is the most important thing in the world.
5. Keeping your house clean is harder than it looks
No, the house doesn't just clean itself.
7. When you're sick, there is no one to pamper you back to health
Your mom is always there to take your temperature and make you chicken noodle soup.
8. She gives the best advice
Because sometimes you just need to vent to your mom.
9. Moms give the best hugs
After a long day, a mom hug is the best cure.