There’s no question at all that we all love college. Often pegged as “the greatest years of your life”, it’s a time full of freedom, friends, and nights that blend into the next morning. As lovely as college is, there comes a time fall semester where nothing sounds better than taking a short break. The weather begins to change, everyone contracts a cold, and the nights that blend into the next morning begin to be spent in the library instead of out with friends. As soon as this happens, a light at the end of the tunnel appears…Thanksgiving Break.
1. Sleeping in your own bed. It's not that your bed at school is uncomfortable, but there will never be anything quite like your own bed. Thanksgiving Break means a week full of great nights' sleeps back in the bed you know and love.
2. Home cooked meals. It doesn't matter how great the food at your school is absolutely nothing beats Mama's cooking. A break at home means finally substituting dining hall food and local restaurants with nice, big, home cooked meals.
3. A break from school work. No school work and no class means lots of relaxing. Thanksgiving Break brings days full of Netflix without the guilt of feeling like you should be in the library studying.
4. Reuniting with your dog. There is nothing quite like the love of a dog. You continually leave your dog to go back to school, but it's at the door, tail wagging, excited to see you every time that you come back home.
5. Your mom does your laundry. There's nothing like the big pile of freshly folded clothes left behind after visiting your mom, and let's be honest, you've been holding off on laundry knowing that as soon as you get home your mom will do it.

6. No waking up early for class. Being home means no early classes, which means sleeping in in your warm, comfy bed for as late as you want.
7. Seeing all of your family for the holidays. As much as a pain as they may be sometimes, you love your family to death, and there's nothing quite like the laughs (and maybe even tears) that take place when you are finally all together again.
8. Reuniting with your hometown friends. We all LOVE our college friends, college wouldn't be the same without them, but there's a bond you have with your hometown friends that you don't share with anybody else. Thanksgiving Break is the first time since school started that y'all finally get to be back together again.
9. You and your parents get along extra because you missed each other while you were gone. You've always loved your parents and your parents have always loved you, but you guys definitely appreciate each other so much more now that you've been separated for so much time.
10. After relaxing and recharging you get to go right back to school and do it all again. At the end of the day Thanksgiving Break is just that, a break, and you get to reunite with your college friends, have the time of your life, and be just as confused about what you're doing with your life as you were before you left.