1. It can be hot or cold.
Coffee can come in any temperature, which is good because our days on Earth can vary in degrees, as well. Oh, it's hot outside and you're perspiring? Grab a coffee to cool your sweats. I’s suddenly snowing and you want a warm beverage to heat up your soul? Coffee.
2. It can be a non-alcoholic alcohol.
I don’t know about you, but if my coffee is strong enough I feel like I’m drinking a good glass of whiskey. Try a “pour-over” or just a solid shot of espresso – they’ll do the trick. But don’t put any cream or sugar in it – we aren’t aiming for a whiskey sour here, folks.
3. It can be a dessert.
Want the effect of dessert without judgment from others? Grab a sugar infused coffee with all the syrups, creams and whipped toppings you want.
4. It can help you feel like you belong.
Let’s face it -- there is a community built around coffee drinkers and anyone is welcome. I’d recommend doing research on the drink for you so that you can fearlessly conquer your next coffee visit. Don’t get too fancy on the first try, though. Build up to it. Once you have a special drink, take a seat, and take note of all coffee drinkers' understanding of each other’s need for coffee. It’s real, friends.
5. It can give you energy.
Are you toting new bags under your eyes from last night’s escapades? Strut into your new coffee shop community and order yourself a pour-over to-go.
6. It can provide the same taste without added energy.
There are those days when you have had five cups of coffee and your energy has reached unnecessary levels, but you still want that bittersweet taste in your mouth. Decaffeinated coffee is the answer. It’s also a great drink to pair with dessert. Offer it to house guests in tiny china mugs and it’ll make you feel fancy.
7. It can be consumed any time of day without judgment from others.
Coffee can be consumed whenever and wherever. And, honestly, you find cooler people at late night coffee shops. It’s a whole different community, each person understanding the other without having to ask the question, “why are you here?”
8. It can help you make friends.
If you want to make friends -- or friendlier friends -- ask them out to coffee. It’s like asking them out to dinner except if it goes bad you can down a coffee faster than you can down a burger and fries.
9. It can make your plants grow faster.
This isn’t proven, or is it? If you are feeling inspired -- here’s your next science project! Take the cold, leftover coffee in your pot and instead of pouring it down the drain, pour it into your plants and see what happens. I hear this is a popular science project. Try it. All the cool kids are doing it.
10. It can be whatever you want it to be, whenever you need it.
If the above reasons haven’t been clear enough -- coffee is there for you, man. It comes in many varieties and allows you the choice of making it into whatever you want or need. I mean, coffee is what you make it -- so let’s make it rock.