Coffee is one of the most grabbed forms of energy that human beings will turn to. This drink is apart of almost every American adult’s life. It serves as a basic staple in the American diet and there are millions of coffee shops around to prove the love for this drink. Here are 10 reasons why coffee is the best:
1. Coffee is a hug in a cup.
Coffee is that warm embrace that you receive when you just need a hug.
2. It gives you instant goosebumps.
It’s scientifically proven, look it up.
3. It helps you stay awake.
That’s self explanatory.
4. It easily attainable.
There are millions of coffee shops in this world. If you visit or live in a city large enough, you will run into local or chain coffee shops every other street.
5. It makes people more tolerable.
Whether you need it for people to tolerate you or if you need it for people to be less annoying, either way its perfect.
6.Having a bad day? Get coffee
Like the first thing on this list states, it's a hug in a mug.
7. Coffee is inexpensive, in a sense.
If you buy your own coffee and make it, it is generally less expensive. Going out and getting it from a shop is different story...
8. There are tons of ways to have coffee.
Latte, cappuccino, macchiato, frappé, misto, espresso, blonde, dark, house, etc., YOU NAME IT, coffee lovers will consume it.
9. It is perfect all hours of the day.
Sleep is for the weak.
10. For all you organic lovers, it is natural.
The earth made it and now we are lucky enough to indulge in it.