There always seems to be a debate between wether a cat or a dog is a better pet. Although I've never personally owned a dog, I can see why people love their faithful canine companions. I love all animals, so I never saw the point of trying to decide which pet is better. In my experience, I've seen cats who act more like dogs, and dogs who act more like a cat, so I'm not here to deter you from getting a pet dog, I'm simply saying, this is why you should get a cat:
1. They're soft and fluffy. Isn't that why we get pets in the first place? They're a warm friend who will cuddle up next to you at night, regardless of if it's 32 degrees out or 90.
2. You will never forget to feed them. My cat is always hungry. Unlike a goldfish, it is impossible to forget to feed your cat. My cat knows that he gets fed at 8 a.m., and 5 p.m., and you can bet that he is awake and meowing at my door at 7:59. If the meowing isn't enough to inspire you to get up, they can get creative. I've witnessed cats who will sit on their owners chest, and paw at their face until their hunger is satisfied. They're more than happy to be the living alarm clock that doesn't seem to have a snooze button, so don't worry about missing those morning classes!
3. They don't demand to be taken outside every couple hours. Besides breakfast and dinner, a cat is pretty independent. They may rely on you to clean their litter box, but the convenience is in knowing that it will always be contained in that box. You won't catch a cat whining at your feel with a pitiful look on their face, or have to carry around tiny plastic bags at all times.
4. They entertain themselves. While you're away at class or work, your cat is at home, most likely indifferent. They do whatever they want while you're there, and it's no different when you leave. Cat's will chase their own tail, take hour long naps, or simply roll around on a blanket leaving a patch of fur behind.
5. They entertain us. When I got my cat, the number of photos I took increased 10x. They manage to be adorable doing just about anything, like eating, sleeping, yawning, trying to hunt your foot under a blanket, or even clawing your hand. The easiest way to entertain yourself as well as your cat for hours is a magical little tool called a laser pointer.
6. They give you an excuse to post a large amount of photos or videos on social media. Whether or not you prefer twitter or Facebook, I can promise that there is an audience for your cat. Not only can you appreciate when your cat is being cute, but so can your 500 followers.
7. They sleep. A lot. Do you like naps? no worries, so does your cat. There's a reason people call it a "cat nap." Cats, just like humans, will take naps when they're bored. I've never actually calculated it, but I don't doubt that cats sleep for at least 12 hours a day.
8. When they're not sleeping, they're a ball of energy. My cat's energy level is either 0 or 100; there is no in-between. But regardless, they're always cute and fun.
9. They thicken your skin. Claws and teeth are mixed in to the mass of fur, but that never seems to deter me from wanting to wrestle my cat. What's a little scrape when there's a playful kitten to mess with?
10. They're independent individuals. If your cat really wanted, he could make it on his own, but why do that when he can rely on you to clean his litter box and feed him?