The thing I am most excited for in going back to school is reuniting with my best friends. Most of them live a plane ride or two away so I haven't been able to see them this summer. Here are a couple of things I am most excited to do together!
1. Late Night Cooking
Last year we spent every weeknight studying in the Hanselman kitchen because of the close proximity to the oven. There was rarely a night where we didn't make second dinner while burning the midnight oil.
(Dino Nuggets: 10/10)
2. Dance Parties
Whether it be to Lil Jon or Shania Twain, I can't wait to spend the first 2 hours of Saturday nights getting down with my girls. With the occasional appearance of some fiddling.
(Balloons: 9/10)
3. Bachelor Mondays
Aka the only part of Mondays that are worth waking up for. If anyone knows who the next bachelor is going to be, hit me up.
(If Luke is the next Bachelor: 10/10)
4. Group Naps
The best Sunday afternoons are spent in a twin bed watching The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and catching some Zs with your friends.
(Falling off the bed: 3/10)
5. FaceTiming with Each Other's Pets (and Family)
Even with such great friends, we all get homesick. I can't wait to get scolded for having our feet on the table by each other's moms. Not to mention videochatting with the best dogs and cats in the world.
(Facetiming Grace: 10/10)
6. Sharing Clothes
Since we all live close, it's easy to borrow each other's clothes. There's never the issue of not having anything to wear. But seriously though, who has my red and blue flannel?
(Losing your flannel: 2/10)
7. Support
There's nothing better than some hugs to get you through the semester. We are there for each other through thick and thin which makes being apart so much harder.
(Being shorter than all of your friends: 3/10)
8. Making Fun of Each Other
I miss our group chat roasts and general banter. No one can tease you as well as your best friends can. All in good fun though!
(Winning awards at Rugby Banquet: 11/10)
9. Being Absolutely Ridiculous
I love having friends who couldn't care less about what others think about them. Whether it be playing pranks on each other or #bringingbackplanking2016 our prerogative is always to "have a little fun."
(Shag carpets: 9/10)
10. Earning Our Stripes
I can't wait for daily practice and Saturday games. Getting battered and bruised is always better alongside your friends. #HCWRFC
(Using Sharpie to write on your skin: 5/10)
So excited to be reunited in less than a week!
(Rallying after a morning game: 8/10)