There are many things that you look at in a university when choosing your school. My decision to attend Campbellsville University was based on many things. But my decision to attend CU was by far an easy one.
1. Small Campus
When you have ten minutes between classes, it can sometimes be hectic getting to them on time. Being on a small campus helps. You can literally get to anywhere on CU's campus in about five to seven minutes, depending on how fast you walk.
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2. Christian University
Anywhere you go on campus you can see that God is there. From chapel on Wednesdays or First Class on Mondays, worshiping services on campus are always something to look forward to. Campbellsville is a place where you can build upon your faith or even find it.
3. Small Class Sizes
My smallest class size is about 10 people and my largest is about 30 people. Having a small class means the professor can focus more on an individual than having to focus on a large group. Plus, the professors will also know you by name.
4. Family Atmosphere
When you walk to class chances are you will probably run into someone you know. Whether you know them or not everyone is so welcoming. They may even just say hi or wave. To me that means something. Everyone is just so friendly and you can tell that everyone loves it here.
5. Great Professors
Both in and out of the classroom CU's professors are great. Even if you see them at Walmart or somewhere else, they will take the time to just say hi or acknowledge you in another way. The professors are also very relatable and you can tell that they care about us and they love their job.
6. Opportunity To Travel
Campbellsville offers many opportunities for travel. In January, I will be traveling to Washington D.C. to attend the presidential inauguration. Also, I will be going to Oxford, Ohio with CU's Model UN/Arab League Delegation representing Syria. In addition, I get to travel all over the state of Kentucky with the Tiger Marching Band, performing in various exhibitions.
7. Plenty Of Things To Do On Campus
If you come from a small town, there usually aren't a lot of things to do. I come from a town that doesn't even have a stop light. Although Campbellsville is a small town too, there is still plenty to do. Trent Creason , our student activities director, usually has activities planned on campus almost every week.
8. Winters Dining Hall
The cafeteria on campus. But all of us students call it the cafe for short. Most of the time they have some good food. You are sure to leave there with a full belly. Especially if it's chicken strip day or Fiesta Friday. And the cafe also has some great desserts. Ranging from different flavors of ice cream to chocolate chip cookies, but be sure to get those fresh and hot.
9. Affordability
Perhaps the most important thing about Campbellsville. Almost every student at CU gets some type of academic scholarship. Campbellsville being a private institution has the ability to offer some things public universities can not. I was very fortunate enough to be able to attend CU this year without taking out any loans. In the world of college, I know that's saying something.
10. Tiger Marching Band
One of the things I looked for in a college is that it must have a marching band, and Campbellsville has that. The TMB is one of the best marching bands I've ever seen. Their shows are always so fun and enjoyable and they also have some pretty great directors. Everyone in TMB is a FAMILY. I'm so glad that I've came to Campbellsville and that I'm a member of the TMB.
All of these things, while there are others, are what helped me in my decision to attend Campbellsville University.