It's that time of year again! The Holidays tend to make single people feel very lonely. Here are ten reasons why you should stop your search for a boyfriend and get yourself a body pillow this Christmas!
1. You don't have to buy your body pillow gifts.
2. Body pillows do not get sweaty when you cuddle them.
3. Body pillows do not argue on what food to eat.
4. Body pillows do not get jealous when you're with a different body pillow.
5. You don't get neck cramps cuddling a body pillow.
6. Your body pillow will NEVER use you or cheat on you.
7. Body pillows do not make a move on you twenty minutes into Netflix and Chill.
8. Body pillows don't get mad at your for spending too much time with your girls.
9. Body pills come in ANY SIZE YOU WANT!
10. Your body pillow will be there for you always... it's not going anywhere.You should be convinced by now... go get yourself a body pillow and cuddle it ASAP!
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