What most of you know about me is that I'm under 5 feet tall. Everyone always thinks I'm 12 years old when they see how short I am. However, being short is actually a blessing in disguise. No matter how short you are, there are reasons to celebrate your height. Here are ten of those:
1. You forever look younger than you actually are.
Yes, they still ask if I want a kids menu even though I'm 21.
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2. You don't have to duck for tree branches, etc.
This one may seem trivial, but it makes a walk much easier when you know you can clear almost anything.
3. You can stand in front of a crowd without blocking anyone's view.
Rock on! Nothing worse than having to move out of someone's way at a concert, parade or show. Being short allows you a front row seat.
4. You can often fit into kids' clothes and shoes.
I don't know about you, but I enjoy a good bargain. If you're short like me and can still fit into kids' clothes and shoes (although it may be a bit embarrassing) it's an awesome deal, as they are cheaper than adult sizes.
5. You have extra leg room on planes.
In my opinion, this is the best one from this list. Airplanes are not the most comfortable places, but when you're short, you can enjoy the ride.
6. You never have to worry about pants being too short.
The only problem with this one is that you sometimes need to shorten them. Don't want to hem your pants? Just buy capris and they'll be just perfect.
7. You don't have to worry about towering over others.
Short girls are approachable and don't look overpowering or threatening. But don't be fooled, because they may be small, but they can also be mighty.
8. You have the flexibility to wear heals and still look great.
If you're like me, heals are one of the best inventions, as they allow you to see at the same level as everyone else. Lucky for short girls, wearing heals boosts your height just the right amount.
9. You can fit into smaller places when playing hide and seek.
Have you ever hidden in a small cabinet, under a bed or between two large items in the garage? When you're short, finding the perfect hiding spots is a breeze.
And last but definitely not least ...
10. You are not really short, you're simply fun-sized.
Short girls are lots of fun and you should take the time to get to know them. Never equate someone's size to their value because you never know what they have to offer.
Regardless of how tall you are - struggling to reach the top shelf or keeping from hitting your head as you enter a room - there's something to celebrate! Although all heights should be appreciated, short people will forever hold a place in my heart. Hope you enjoy my short and sweet article.