If you are like me, then your dad was one of the biggest influencers of your life. Dad, I cannot thank you enough for playing such a huge role in my life. There are hundreds of things I could thank you for doing throughout my 19 years, but I think it would take me that long to write them all down so I want to take this time to thank you for these 10.
1. You’ve always been my #1 fan.
You have been on the sidelines for every sports team I’ve been a part of and even coached a few. Every game, I could count on you to be yelling and cheering from your seat (even when I told you to be quiet).
2. You support me through every decision.
I know that no matter what path I take, you won’t hesitate to guide me through.
3. You’ve set my standards high.
I don’t settle for anything because you’ve taught me I can do anything if I work hard enough.
4. You’ve given me a strong work ethic.
I don’t give up because giving up is not an option in our family. You have never once let me quit something when things got tough no matter how much I wanted to and I thank you most for that.
5. You are the reason for my love for sports.
Sundays are meant for football, even if mom doesn’t think so. You fired up my love for Panthers games, which serves me well going to college in Charlotte.
6. You never let me win.
Boys should let girls win just doesn’t apply. You don’t let me win in soccer, playing XBox, driving or anything else for that matter; but it made me stronger. The look on a boy’s face when I beat them in XBox is priceless every time and I have you to thank for that.
7. You’ve taught me more than any school has.
How to drive, how to change a tire, how to hang a shelf -- for all of it, I thank you.
8. You taught me not to be afraid of a little dirt.
The yard work, such as shoveling mulch for hours in 100 degree weather, working with the cars, playing sports in the mud and so much more has prepared me for living on my own.
9. I’m definitely not a girly girl and I thank you for that too.
I guess when you have three girls and no boys, you had to improvise. Thank you for my love for many activities that no one would think a blonde-haired girl like me would like. I go from a dress to sweatpants in .2 seconds but I act the same in both. I know our burping contests drive mom up the wall but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
10. You have taught me how I should be treated.
You continuously show me unconditional love. You call to check in on me and you still come to my sporting events because you want to be involved in my life. You have shown me how every boy should treat me. I know when to walk away from someone who isn’t treating me right because you have taught me that I deserve better and for that I thank you the most.
I know we’re not ones for emotions but being 3 hours away and living on my own has made me realize so much about life. One of those things being how I would not be the person I am today without you. Your jokes may only be funny 5% of the time but I am thankful to have a dad like you 100% of the time.