Adulting: to do “grown-up” things or to engage in activities usually associated with adulthood. Car payments, rent, the 9 to 5.
Just hearing those words makes us all collectively groan, right? When we were younger, there was nothing more exciting than the thought of doing “grown-up” things. Seriously, ordering off the adult menu at restaurants was such a milestone (for me, at least). Now that adulthood is here, however, we miss the days when it was completely acceptable to order chicken strips at every single restaurant. Transitioning into adulthood is not all that it’s cracked up to be, and here are all the reasons why:
1. When you’re sick and WebMD convinces you that you’re dying.
*Calls mom for reassurance*
2. Making your own doctor’s appointments is beyond scary.
Seriously, mom?! What do I say?
3. And GOING to those appointments alone… the horror!
Where am I? I want my mommy!
4. Realizing that your money has to go to adult things, like rent and groceries, instead of shoes and clothes.
But Forever 21 has a sale.
5. When people expect you to form adult social bonds, but your strongest bond is with the characters from your favorite TV show.
Olivia Pope wouldn’t treat me this way.
6. When your years of schooling didn't really prepare you for the real world.
Everything I know is a lie.
7. Realizing everything your parents told you about growing up is true.
No… No… No!
8. It’s almost time for graduation and you have no idea how you’re going to start a career.
9. The moment you start paying your own phone bill and you realize that your data usage habit has to stop.
Okay, maybe I have a problem.
10. Adulting in general.
Seriously, “adulting” is more of a last resort than a decision. So I’ll soon be making a trip to Neverland, because growing up is just no fun.