As I get older, I'm realizing more and more that as much as I can't wait for the excitement and energy of being a full fledged adult to begin, I'm also recognizing how difficult it really is. People are NOT as nice as they were when I was ten years old, let alone five years old. So, what makes "adulting" so difficult?
People literally just don't care. I can't even tell you how many times I roll my eyes in the car out of frustration because people simply don't pay attention while driving. Obviously, at seventeen years old. I'm totally NOT the best driver on the road. I've only been driving six months, and I'm totally aware that I'm constantly making minor mistakes and committing driving errors. However, I would NEVER pull out on someone when they are going 45 mph and are about to pass me! Some people just amaze me with how recklessly they drive, and it's to the point where sometimes I'm pretty terrified to get on the roads.
2. Taking care of kids is DIFFICULTÂ
As I babysit more kids of all ages and backgrounds, I realize how difficult being a parent really must be. I find it hard to watch a couple kids for a couple hours- I can't imagine how difficult it is to control a child for eighteen whole years!
3. Grocery shopping solo is SCARYÂ
Where is the bread? Where is the milk? Grocery shopping alone is pretty exciting- it's like crossing another thing off of your 'Adult Bucket List.' It's all fun and games, however, until you complete self check-out and realize 1. You don't actually know how to do self check-out and 2. Groceries are REALLY expensive for no reason!
4. Budgeting is so difficult!
Suddenly, you're getting paid every two weeks. 200 dollars seems pretty decent- 100 one week, then 100 the next. Simple enough until the first week is over and you realize you only have a whopping $38.59 in your bank account. UGH!
5. ...So is time management.
Oh, my god. So, you have practice at 7, then work at 8, then you're supposed to visit grand mom at 10 and pick up your brother from boy scouts at 10:15. 10:08 hits and there is NO gas in your car! Time management is everything when you're a busy young adult- sometimes, unfortunately, you have to pick and choose.
6. You have more freedom than ever- so, you're making HELLA mistakes.
Should you go out- or should you go home and study? You know the right choice to make, but it's super hard to choose responsibility over fun, especially when there are so many fun things you could be doing at any given point in time, especially when you have a driver's license!
7. Relationships get difficult, messy, and complicated
Boys get more confusing and lack the clarity that we as girls deserve! I wonder if boys get less confusing as they grow up? Ummm… probably not.
8. People use you...
And it hurts like hell, but it makes you a stronger person. It's gonna happen... It happens to us all but we have to learn from our trials and errors and we have to make the most of the life we've been given. As you grow up, you realize that cutting out toxic people is necessary in many cases and situations.
9. You grow out of things, people, and places...
There's a reason and a season for everything. Sometimes, things are going to come to an end. Certain people, places, and things are only meant to be part of your life for so long. As you grow up, you start to recognize which things need to be removed from your life, and what people you've grown away from, for good reasoning.
10. You realize that life really is as short as they make it out to be.
You seriously only have one life, so live it. Make the most of it. Do what you want and stop worrying about the opinions of everyone around you. Stop worrying when you don't need to! Enjoy as much as you can and get to where you want to be in life.
Life is changing, and hella quickly, too. Don't freak out. You will catch up with time. Growing up is scary but remember that you always have people to guide you- they don't just disappear when you become a legal adult. You always have guidance and you always have supporters. Growing up is scary, but it gets easier with time. Take it one step at a time.