For some reason, most people seem to think that college is the best time of one’s life. Seriously? That’s one of the biggest lies I’ve ever heard. TBH, post-grad life is exponentially better. This might be due to the fact that during undergrad I was a full time student, working 25+ hours a week, and involved in RSOs thus jamming my schedule from about 6:30am until about 9pm daily, but I digress.
Don’t get me wrong, college gave me my best friends, life experience, and some of my most cherished memories. But is it better than my life now? Hell no. There are infinite reasons as to why post grad life is better, but I’ll limit myself to 10.
1. You actually get to apply what you learned in school
I spent four (and a half) years slaving over assignments, meeting with teachers, enduring group projects, and studying my ass off. The fact that I get to practice the skills I toiled over for four years is way more satisfying than studying for eight straight hours to keep your C in Biology 101. You can actually see your work pay off. Literally. You get paid. Which brings me to my next point…
2.You get paid.
With actual money! And there’s a comma on the pay check! No more slopping dining hall food onto trays or writing up freshmen for hiding alcohol in their rooms. I can’t tell you how much better life is with a salary. You think it’s cool to get drunk off $10 at a college bar? Try drinking quality liquor at a rooftop because you can afford it. SO much cooler and a better view to boot.
3. You have more free time.
Remember all those weekends you spent studying because there wasn’t enough time during the week? Yeah you actually get weekends now. For the most part you leave work at work and the weekend is yours. Before graduation I couldn’t understand how anyone had time to go to the gym. Now that I have a set schedule, it’s so much easier to manage time for all the fun activities I didn’t have time for while I was in college.
4.You can start brand new.
After college your opportunities are endless. When you graduate you have to start a new chapter and you can do it wherever and however you want. You wanna apply for jobs in Alaska? Go for it. You wanna apply for jobs that have nothing to do with your major? Do you. Now that you have a fancy piece of paper you can start anywhere you want. It’s probably the only time in your life when you can uproot your life without affecting anyone else.
5. You learn that growing up is not that bad.
Once you figure out how to pay bills, cook, and only hit snooze once in the morning, you start to enjoy the regularity of adulthood. Having a regular schedule can be comforting. You start to enjoy the mellower lifestyle. It really isn’t as boring as it sounds. I swear happy hour is way more fun than getting shitfaced until 2am. Also you don’t wake up hungover. Usually.
6. You become friends with people older than you.
In college, everyone is your age which is pretty cool…for college. Once you leave you become friends with people of all ages. You start to realize that people older than you are just as awesome as people your own age with better advice.
7. You can afford to travel and explore your own city.
Even though I was born and raised in Chicago, I didn’t know the extent of things to do simply because I didn’t have the money to do them. Now that I’m not a broke college kid, I can take that lake tour, afford museum admission, attend fundraising galas, and explore all the awesome restaurants and night life the city has to offer. I can also afford to visit those friends that decided to move away. I remember when paying for spring break in Panama City seemed like a lot of money. How cute.
8. You have the energy to become a morning person.
In college the only reason I would be awake at 7am on a Saturday was for community service or work. Now, I wake up on my own at 7am on a Saturday because do you know how much you can get done before noon? SO MUCH! And there’s this thing called a farmer’s market that usually pops up on Saturday mornings where you can get cheap and local produce. WHO KNEW?!
9. You watch your friends become successful and grow into their own.
After college, your friends go through the first steps of adulthood with you. It’s actually pretty cool to see them secure dream jobs, climb the ladder, and rake in successes. You used to be proud when the puked and rallied during undergrad, now you’re proud when they get a raise or a promotion at work, which honestly is way more to celebrate.
10. You learn about who you are and what’s important, like, for real.
When I was 19 I thought I thought the world started and ended with college and my sorority.
Let’s all take a moment laugh together.
Now that I’ve left the fantasy world of college, it’s so much easier to prioritize what is really important. I lost contact with a lot of people that I call “surface friends.” They’re great to party with but beyond that there’s not much there. These people have long left my social circle and that’s OK with me. I’m so happy with my smaller circle of friends than I ever was with all those other people during undergrad.
Don’t get me wrong, undergrad was one hell of a time, but my life isn’t over because college is. In fact, I’m much happier, less stressed, and having more fun as a 20-something with responsibilities. Leaving college was the swift kick in the ass I needed to get my life together, and now that the pieces are falling into place, adulthood is way better of a lifestyle than college ever was.
So to all my college babies who are afraid to “adult:” I promise you, it is so much easier than you think. Be thankful college is only 4 (ish) years because the real fun begins after you graduate.