10 Reasons 90's Kids Had The Best Childhood
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10 Reasons 90's Kids Had The Best Childhood

Warning: total nostalgia and 90s slang ahead.

10 Reasons 90's Kids Had The Best Childhood
Wow Amazing

I feel like I reminisce about life as a 90s kid way too much, but it's only because the 90s were really just 'all that and a bag of chips.' For us Millennials the 90s is a time deeply rooted with nostalgia. It was the decade that saw us through late-childhood, adolescence, and into early adulthood and of course, everyone experienced the 90s differently. But if you were a pop-culture obsessed, Generation Y adolescent your favorite things from the 90s are most likely in one of these categories. Our childhood stands among the rest, the 90s were filled with better snacks, games, entertainment, television shows, communication, music and fashion. I decided that it's about time I dedicate an article to all things 90s and it has me 'totally buggin.'

1. Snacks

Had to start with the snacks strictly because it's the only thing that hasn't really made a comeback yet. The majority of our favorite snacks are discontinued and it has us going postal! We would all kill for one of these dope 90s snacks right now. Back in the day if you had any of these in your lunch box you were hella fly: Dunkaroos, Wonder Ball, Bugles, Push Pops, Squeezeit Drinks, EZ Squirt Ketchup.

2. Games

As 90s kids we spent tons of time outside as well as indoors playing games with our neighborhood friends or siblings. The games of our generation would probably not entertain a kid of today simply because they were simple, and everyone needs an iPhone to be entertained nowadays. Games like Skip It, Sit'n Spin, Bop It, Butt Scooters, Side walk chalk, Ker Plunk, Twister, Perfection, Lucky Ducks, Lite Brite, Shrinky Dinks, and Password Journal were the bees knees.

3. Entertainment

We were all very simple kids, and we were all usually entertained by just playing outside, but when it comes down to it our generation is golden when it comes to our entertainment category. We had the real O.G stuff that kids nowadays wouldn't even know what to do with: VHS Tapes, MASH, Tamagotchi, Game Boys, Furbies, and Nintendo 64.

5. Television Shows

Television hasn't been the same since our childhood shows went off the air. Recently Nickelodeon has been playing some of the classics really late at night but it's not the same as it used to be. When we were younger we turned on the network and any one of these were playing non-stop. Some of the greatest were "All That," "Rocket Power," "Rugrats," "Kenen And Kel," "Hey Arnold," "Cat Dog," "Legends of The Hidden Temple," "Guts," "The Amanda Show," and "Drake and Josh." Obviously there were tons more but I would totally go over my word count dude!

8. Communication

Obviously we didn't have cell phones, social media and other forms of communication back then so we relied on AOL Instant messenger, our home phones and a huge part of both of those is how we actually talked. FYI 90s slang was totally the bomb.com. Our slang consisted of most of these and plenty more: Dude, dope, Buggin, home skillet, home slice, peace out, oh snap, shiznit, trippin, yo, scrub, wassup, it's all good.

9. Music

No future generation will ever come close to the epic-ness that was music in the 90s. Not only were the musicians rad but so was the systems that played it. Everyone had some sort of device, whether it be a boom box, tape player, CD player, or even Hit Clips. The music of the 90s is unlike anything else and some of the greatest of all time were Britney Spears, Nirvana, The Backstreet Boys, N' Sync, Destiny's Child, The Spice Girls, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Biggie Smalls and many many more.

10. Fashion

Now things got funky when it came to our fashion. The era of 90s fashion is actually seeing some type of comeback right now (flannels tied around waist, graphic tees, chokers, ripped denim, scrunchies), but it's important to talk about some of the fashion crimes that we are all guilty of committing: Slap Bracelets, Frosted Tips, Butterfly Hair Clips, Crimped Hair, Baggy Pants, and Platform shoes.

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