Ah, winter break. Possibly the best time of the year. It is most definitely a major perk of being a college student. You get one whole month to relax and enjoy the holidays stress free. I mean seriously, what is not love?
1. You are finally able to catch up on a lot of sleep.
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Even though I stay up way too late hanging out with my friends I haven’t seen since Thanksgiving, there is always time to sleep in. So no matter how late you stay up you can always manage to catch up on your sleep.
2. Binge watching a new show on Netflix.
It is possible that this is just me, but when I’m on break I usually resort to my favorite Netflix shows rather than starting a new one. For me, my go to binge watching show is “Friends.” It seriously never gets old. However, for a lot of people this is a great time to start watching new shows that you’ve been meaning to watch ever since school started.
3. Holiday food.
Personally this is one of my favorites. So many cookies, hot chocolate, and candy. So. Much. Sugar.
4. Holiday food leftovers.
This is probably my second favorite. There are leftovers for days after a Christmas party. You will never go hungry and leftovers have the ability to bring so much joy into your life... Unless you are Ross and someone ate your Thanksgiving leftover sandwich.
5. Never knowing what day of the week it is.
Is it Monday? Is it Friday? Over break it all seems the same.
6. No homework.
The feeling of not having to meet any deadlines is truly so, so beautiful. There is just nothing like it. Sundays are especially great when you have no online submissions due at midnight.
7. More money!!
Minus spending all your money holiday shopping, it is so great when you are able to put in a lot of hours for work to make more money to last you for the Spring semester. And let us not forget the all that Christmas money that your out of town relatives send you!
8. Sleeping in your own bed.
There is nothing greater than being able to come home and sleep in your comfortable childhood bed instead of that awful dorm bed.
9. Getting your own room.
While living with your friends is great, sometimes you do still miss the privacy of having your own room. There is nothing wrong with wanting to relax and having some alone time, and winter break is the perfect time for that!
10. No community bathrooms.
If you are still in the dorms, then this one is for you. Sometimes sharing can be hard when it comes to bathrooms. There is nothing better than coming home for break and not having to share a bathroom with 60 plus people.
College is great and all, but it is so nice to have a whole month to just relax and take a long break from school, dining hall food, and community bathrooms. Winter break is great, and it is long enough so that by the time January ninth rolls around, you are all ready to go back to school.