I once wrote an article, titled, "Why I'm OK By Myself Until I Get What I Deserve." And in that article I wrote:
"I want to be able to share my favorite songs with someone, I want to be able to laugh with someone as much as I breathe. I want to wake up knowing someone is willing to love me more than I will ever love myself, and I want someone to know me as well as I know myself."
A few Summer months after I had written this article, I found exactly what I was looking for, and since then, I have come to so many realizations. I was so tired of the texts at 3 a.m., the Snapchat conversations being counted as someone's effort to get my attention, I was looking for someone who would adore my smile, tell me how beautiful I was in person, and someone who would walk with me through the hard days, instead of just shooting me an "I'm sorry" text, and I have been lucky enough to find that someone. Through finding my someone, I'm one of the lucky ones who get to feel the richest emotions that life has to offer, and through these emotions, I have come to many realizations.
My fist realization is that singing in the car with someone else is way better than singing alone.
For a long time, I had always wanted to know what it was like to sing in the car with someone in the passenger seat, belting out all the wrong lyrics with you. I've now come to the realization that looking over mid-song, and seeing a huge smile painted across her face, was way better than what I had been doing alone. The small moments of happiness are what count, the small moments of sharing the same thoughts, and creating the best memories in the smallest ways, are one of my absolute favorite things about this life that I live. These small moments are even more precious when you share them with someone you care about.
If you're lucky, you'll find someone that knows you better than you know yourself and realize that that isn't as hard as it seems. There are moments where I sometimes get lost in my own little world, some days where I just wake up and I'm not sure. I'm not sure if what I'm doing with my life is what I want to be doing with my life. There are days where I question everything I have done, and wonder how I got where I am, and wonder if it's really where I want to be. These days, are the same days that I am reassured by her that I am making the right choices and decisions. She reminds me that I'm doing what I'm meant for and that I have come a long way on my own. Even the smallest things like, not knowing what I want to order at dinner, she'll look at me and suggest something and she is always exactly right. I always thought I was hard to understand because I knew that at times, I didn't even understand myself. I never imagined that anyone would ever get me like she gets me. I didn't know that it was possible for someone to care as much as she cares about me. I didn't know it was possible for my happiness to be just as important to someone else, as it is to me.
She also helped me realize that being broke is better when you get to do it with the person you love. Being a college student, sometimes juggling a part-time job, and being a full-time student isn't the easiest. This year, I have taken a few more difficult classes, which has lead to me not being able to work and earn as much money as I would like to, but that also means I get to laugh at myself while I go to the gas station to put 3 dollars of gas into my tank, but it's better when you have someone to laugh at you, too. It's better when you're in the kitchen late at night, after a long day of class and work, and you are trying to look for something to make, but then realize you have nothing.
Because I was mostly alone for so long, I found out that laughing at your jokes by yourself is not as fun as laughing at them with someone else, especially when that someone thinks they're 10x funnier than you thought they were.
Another realization I unveiled was that happiness is no longer just a destination, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I depend on her for my happiness, but she is definitely a good chunk of where it comes from. Every day, she's there to encourage positivity into my life, and I think that's the most important aspect of a relationship.
If you're lucky, you'll find out that when you find your someone, you also find that there are still precious souls on this Earth, when I met her, I felt something I had never felt before. I felt as if I connected with her, and she just got me, and somehow I just got her, and we didn't even have to try to understand each other. We talked as if we had known each other for years, and never questioned anything either of us said because we just understood each other. I had always felt special in her presence, even before I even knew what her favorite color was, and that really meant something to me. It showed me that there was still someone that I could connect with, and someone who didn't have boring or ordinary thoughts, like so many other people I have met.
I've realized that, tough times are hard, but they're better with someone to support you by your side, this again goes with the being a broke college kid thing, and a handful of other problems that I had to deal with alone before I met my Kennedy Garza, but now she's always there, and always has my back.
And all the times you'd been hurt before no longer matter, and let me tell you, they mattered to me before I met her. They hurt so bad before I met her, then suddenly days went by where I was so happy, I forgot the hurt I had been through, and just the lessons remained.
If you're lucky, you'll found out that there's someone out there that loves you when you can't love yourself, we all have days where we feel ugly, or unworthy or days where we wonder if we even matter. We wonder if the mistakes we have made, are all that we are. We get it into our heads that we don't matter, and that we have deserved every bad thing that has happened to us, even if we didn't ask for it. These are the days where you somehow just can't bring yourself to love yourself, and I'm lucky enough to always have someone right behind me on those days to tell me that they have enough to love me, even when I can't.
And, most importantly, every day has the potential for happiness if you just let it. Might I add, that finally being able to say, "I'm happy," is one of the greatest feelings that I have ever had, so thank you, Kennedy. Thank you for making me a lucky one.