The countdown begins: to prom, to May 1st, to graduation. Each day, you get closer and closer to all the things you have been waiting your entire high school career for. It's exciting. But you'd be lying to yourself to say you aren't scared out of your mind. It's scary. In the next five months, everything will change. So here's a list of the exciting (and scary) realities of being a second semester high school senior.
1. Your friends will change
Senior year changes everything, especially the second semester. It's okay to let them go. People change and so will you. Don't spend your entire semester trying to keep together friendships that were meant to fall apart. It doesn't mean that you didn't try, it just means that it's time to move on.
2. Senioritis is real
Homework? Tests? Studying? Jokes. Things will slowly start to fall apart academically. You won't have the motivation to do anything school related. Be proactive, save the senioritis for when you really need it.
3. The denials will hurt
You'll be denied by your dream school. Or maybe you won't. Maybe you'll be denied by every safety school you applied to. No matter what, the denials will hit. They'll hit hard. Cry. Yell. Scream. Take time to be upset. Then, get over it. Move on. Nothing will change. A denial is a denial. Look forward to the acceptances. Celebrate those.
4. Choosing your future is hard
Take your time. Don't rush into deciding before you're ready. Whether you are being pressured by your parents, teachers, or friends, they can't make the decision for you. So take your time and when you're ready hit that accept button.
5. The petty drama doesn't matter
Who cares if Brad made out with Sarah at the St. Patrick's Day and Megan saw but Dylan has a thing with Sarah so Dylan made out with Megan to make Sarah jealous. It. Doesn't. Matter. The reality is that you'll never see these people ever again. Stay away from the drama.
6. But, your grades do
Yes, senioritis is real. But your grades still matter. Just because you were accepted into your dream school doesn't mean your grades can slack. Universities can and will rescind your offer. Don't be one of the people everyone feels sorry for.
7. Enjoy prom
This is probably the last time you will be with all of your friends. Get all dressed up. Sing the night away. Take advantage of these moments, these are the memories you'll be thinking about in 5 years.
8. Participate in spirit days and Senior Ditch Day
Yeah wearing pajamas or a tutu to school might not be your form of fun. Do it anyway. You're only going to have a few times left to be silly and wear something stupid in front of everyone. Participate in all of the benefits of senior traditions. You can miss one day of school. Go with all of your friends to the beach. Sleep all day. Do whatever you want, but do it.
9. The last day of school is more emotional than you think
This is the last time you'll ever REALLY go to school. No more lockers or lunch tables or fliers around school. Say goodbye to your favorite teachers. Thank them. This is the end.
10. Graduation will be here before you know it
And just like that, you're done. Your name is called, you shake someone's hand, you walk across that stage. That's it. The end.
Savor every moment. Second Semester Senior, you will feel like you're on top of the world. You are. For maybe the last time of your life, you can do anything. Take advantage of it.