If you go to a small or private school these ten things will be very true for you. Some of them are nice things and others are not so nice.
1. You know the majority of your classmates
Most private universities have about fifteen to thirty students in a class. Because of the small classes, you know most of your classmates by name.
2. Your professor knows you by name
By the third week of classes your professor has everyones names down pat. When they see you in the halls they say, "Hi, how are you?"
3. You see at least five people you know on the way to class
The halls are where you bump into your friends and chat before class or where you stare at your phone the entire time to avoid talking with anyone.
4. Rumors spread like wildfire
When rumors get out they also get around. One minute all the freshmen are talking about it and the next all the seniors are talking about it. It really sucks if it is about you or a close friend.
5. Cliques are every where
They always travel in packs and sit at the same place in the cafe everyday. It is a rare occasion if you do not see them together.
6. Random faculty and staff are friendly
You will be walking to lunch or class and pass at least three faculty and staff you do not know but they still say, "Hi" and smile. They usually brighten your day.
7. Classes are impossible to get into
When registration roles around you get nervous because classes fill up so fast . They don't dare add more though because it's a small school.
8. Professors take attendance
Professors make it mandatory to show up for class because if they don't they'll have no one to lecture to. So three strikes and you are out!
9. Everyone lives on campus
They have housing for all grades and it usually fills up fast. It is rare to hear of students living off campus unless they are married.
10. The president of the school is seen on campus
It is not unusual to see your president walking around on campus talking to students on a weekly basis because of this everyone knows him.