“We aren’t obsessive, we’re just really close.” If that’s the first thought that popped into your head when reading the title of this article, you might want to think again… If it’s not you and your sibling, then it’s someone else and theirs, but I’m sure you can all name someone who is a little too close with their sibling that it becomes questionable.
If you don’t know whether you have crossed that line, here are a couple of hints that you have reached an obsession.
1. Your sibling is one of your top friends on Snapchat.
Yes, it is acceptable to have your sibling as a top friend on Snapchat, but the second you realize that you are having two different conversations over Snapchat and text is when you should know that it has gone too far. Besides, I’m guessing that your selfies aren’t so “attractive” since you know your sibling won’t judge… let’s just hope someone random isn’t looking over their shoulder when they open it.
2. You would rather take your sibling to formal above anyone else.
You obviously know that you would have more fun with your sibling than any other awkward date your friends clearly set up for you. Formals are filled with drama, expectations and usually someone crying at the end of the night. Why not save all the trouble and actually enjoy yourself for once? Chances are, you will still end up bringing that random guy/girl just because his friends are matched up with yours, but the whole night you will wish you had just taken your sibling.
3. Passing on plans with your friends to hang out with your sibling.
Anyone who denies the fact that they have done this is obviously lying. I’m sure that most of you can remember a time where you had the mindset of going out, but the second your sibling offered up a movie night, you couldn’t text your friends fast enough to say that you suddenly “didn’t feel so well” and therefore can’t make it out tonight.
4. Looking forward to family weekend so you can show off your sibling.
A time where not only can you pretend that you are actually friends with your parents and that they don’t tell you how to live your life every time you go home, but it also means a chance to get to see your siblings. Showing them off to all of your college friends can be fun, but it can also be a stressful experience since you are secretly hoping that everyone loves them as much as you do.
5. Being told you look like your sibling is one of the best compliments you could get.
Lets face it. Deep down you know that your sibling is more beautiful than you will ever be, which starts making you wonder, “Do other people think I’m the unfortunate looking sibling?” With that being said, you are fine with that reality because there is still a good chance someone will compare you to your sibling. So if they’re gorgeous then you are too, right?
6. Getting asked if your sibling is your boyfriend/girlfriend… yeah you wish.
Doesn’t the saying go something like: you usually end up with someone that looks like you? Whatever the case, while it may be weird for someone to ask if you’re dating your sibling, it is also quite flattering since you totally would if you weren’t related. I mean look at them, they’re flawless.
7. Your Instagram is filled with pictures of your sibling.
Plain and simple, you have more pictures of your sibling on Instagram than you do of yourself. Whether it be a picture of your sibling at formal or a little throwback, you are always looking for a reason to give some mushy shout out that most people probably don’t find as cute as you do. Whatever, if people don’t want to see it then all you have to do is click unfollow. It would be greatly appreciated.
8. Constantly bragging about your sibling.
“Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah” is the only thing people are going to hear when you start bragging about how your sibling is such an amazing athlete or is the top of his/her class. Sometimes it just comes out without even thinking and most of the time it’s stories that all your friends have heard time and time again. But hey, maybe they just don’t understand what it feels like to be a proud sibling, so too bad for them.
9. You actually took the time to say you’re related to your sibling on Facebook.
Who even does this anymore? It takes a mass amount of time and effort to go into your profile and ask your sibling to confirm that they are related to you. You must know that this is purely for your own satisfaction since no one even looks at your “about” information anymore, because if you haven’t noticed, half of your music and movies that you are SO interested in are about 5 years old now.
10. When you secretly hate your sibling’s new boyfriend/girlfriend.
Yes, it can be very exciting if your sibling gets a new boyfriend or girlfriend, but what it really means is; I have no time for you anymore. While your sibling’s heart is filled with butterflies, yours is breaking at the thought of not getting to spend as much with them anymore. No more of those nights that usually end up with your parents telling you to shut up and go to bed… whoops.
If you don’t have siblings I am terribly sorry for you because the true reality of it is that they are there for you through the thick and thin. They are the people that you find yourself laughing with until you’re crying and that you are more protective over than your own parents. So who cares if you’re a little obsessed, it has never hurt anyone.