1. "Oh! You're from Kentucky? Do you have horses?"
OK for starters, I understand that that is a major thing Kentuckians are proud of but it takes me less that 15 minutes to get to school (in Cincinnati). Do you think I have space for a horse in my suburban neighborhood?
2. "You must eat a lot of KFC."
Ironically, I am not a huge fan of Kentucky Fried Chicken (or fast food in general) even though I am from Kentucky. What a shocker!
3. "What's an expressway?"
This is just one of those words that differs from place to place, but apparently this one is ridiculous to Ohioans. Call it what you like: highway, expressway, freeway, skyway, interstate but to me "highway" describes Dixie Highway and I will be calling my route to school an expressway until the day I die.
4. "Have you ever been to "Looeyville?"
No. But I've visited Louisville (LOU-uh-ville) loads of times.
5. "I heard that people from Kentucky don't wear shoes. Is that true?"
Well, this a tricky one. Because I've been known to walk across the street to my neighbors house barefoot to go borrow some flour, but for the most part we wear shoes at appropriate times just like the rest of the nation. Does that mean I am wearing shoes while playing with my puppy in the front yard, probably not...does that mean I am wearing shoes now? Nope.
6. "What is the deal with Kentucky basketball?"
What's the deal?! It's amazing. I love it. Rupp Arena is the bomb.com and there isn't anything like it. I have multiple friends whose families have dedicated an entire room in their house to UK memorabilia, its a big deal. In Kentucky you can either be a UK fan or a Louisville fan. Louisville fans can leave, Thanks.
7. "Have you heard the one about the difference between a hillbilly and a redneck?"
Yes, I have. And no I don't need to hear it again.
8. "Wait...You guys have a state song that people actually know?"
"My Old Kentucky Home" is classic and just happens to be one of my favorite songs ever. People cry when they hear this song, especially if its played at the Kentucky Derby (aka the best two minutes in sports). It is a beautiful way for Kentuckians to be reminded of their roots. (Cue me listening to this wonderful song on Spotify.)
9. "Do you know anyone that is married to their cousin?"
Hun. No. Just no.
10. "And soft drinks are...?"
This is a personal favorite of mine. In Kentucky, we call "pop" or "soda" soft drinks. This stems from the idea that Kentucky Bourbon is a "hard" drink while basically everything else is a "soft" drink. As a Coca-Cola obsessed young person, I use this term often and I get the strangest looks from my peers. Keep in mind though that I think your words sound strange as well!