Last year, on one of the many nights I couldn't sleep, I was searching for something to do. I ended up deciding to create a bucket list. I've always had a lot of ideas on things I want to accomplish. In the end, my bucket list contained over 100 different items. Here are 10 of the random ones.
1. Witness the northern lights.
Why? Every photo I've seen of the Northern Lights is absolutely breathtaking. I want to witness it for myself. It's a celestial event that I've always admired.
2. Publish a book.
Why? For as long as I can remember, I've loved writing. I'm always working on book ideas. To see my creation on shelves in bookstores would be a dream come true.
3. Map my family tree.
Why? Family history has always been an interest to me. This goal is because, as a history lover, I'd love to know who I'm related to and where I come. The path to me could be a very interesting one and I want to figure it out.
4. Go hiking in the Rocky Mountains.
Why? I want to be able to say I've climbed a mountain.
5. Learn to snowboard.
Why? This is simply just a skill I've always wanted to learn. I'm pretty confident I'll struggle with it and take a few tumbles, but it's something I'm eager to learn.
6. Complete 1000-piece puzzle.
Why? I love to figure things out. I enjoy doing puzzles. I've never had the time to sit down to finish such a big puzzle, so the challenge of a 1000 piece puzzle is something I'd like to conquer.
7. Go to a Comic-Con
Why? As a very proud nerd, I have to attend at least one comic con. This is actually a two-part thing on my bucket list. I want to go to the Indianapolis Comic Con, but eventually, I want to attend the Los Angeles Comic Con since it's so iconic.
8. Attend a book signing.
Why? I've always had a deep love of books. I've spent a great deal of my life with my nose stuck in a book. To be able to meet a published author and have a signed copy of their book would be a great experience to have.
9. Start a blog.
Why? As a writer, blogging is something I've heard that can be very helpful to improving your writing. I'm actually in the beginning of planning to finally start my own blog.
10. Learn to juggle.
Why? It has always been something that's intrigued me. I've attempted to learn to juggle things and fail miserably. I find jugglers to be super talented and I'd love to be in the percentage of people who can juggle.