Finals week. 5 days of exams, stress, and late night study sessions. As these exams approach, here are 10 quotes to help you stay positive through this week and to remind you of why you are even taking these exams in the first place:
1. "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily." - Zig Ziglar
2. “If you are willing to do only what’s easy, life will be hard, but if you are willing to do what’s hard, life will be easy.” – T. Harv Eker
3. “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” – Theodore Roosevelt
4. “One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat.” -Napoleon Hill
5. “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” – Winston Churchill
6. “If we did all the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves.” – Thomas Edison
7. “Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill
8. “Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you’re going to do now and do it.” – William Durant
9. “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” – Thomas Edison
10. “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas Edison
So here's to the home stretch of this crazy year of school, continue kicking butt by dominating your finals!