One thing that really stumps me is why we, as women, ever let men make us feel like anything less than a queen. Because we are. We are queens. At times we may feel like peasants, but we have more power than we will ever know and we need to remember that during times when we feel helpless and weak.
Have Your Voice Heard:Become an Odyssey Creator
I've cried far too many times over one of many heartless males who threw my heart around like it was nothing and I've seen far too many of my loving, beautiful girlfriends shed tears and feel so empty for the same reason. Some males are not man enough to handle a woman and her heart. We're stronger than we know and a man shouldn't determine our worth. We are diamonds among mere ring pops. Our sparkle should never be dulled by a man who can't handle it.
Here are 10 quotes to remind us to keep on slaying:
1. “Life’s too short to drink crappy coffee and cry over boys who don’t care.” — Matty Healy from The 1975
2. "A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle." — Gloria Steinem
3. “When they don’t love you the way you want to, you mourn that for however long you need to. But then you get back up and you remind yourself. You are not a reflection of the people who can’t love you. You will love again. You will be loved again.” — Caitlyn Siehl, 22-year-old poet.
4. A poem by Michael E. Reid that went viral and reminds women they should never change themselves for a man who can't handle them:
5. “What you need, what you deserve, is a guy who adores you for what you are. Who doesn't see you as a project, but a prize. you know?” — Sarah Dessen
Dessen by far one of my favorite authors. She's written many novels for young adults, including The Truth About Forever, where this quote is from.
6. "Be yourself. Unapologetically." — Kesha
7. "There's nothing a man can do that I can't do better, and in heels." — Ginger Rogers
8. Christina Yang: Don't let what he wants eclipse what you need.
Meredith Grey: He is very dreamy. But he is not the sun.
Christina Yang: You are.
— "Grey's Anatomy"
As always, "Grey's Anatomy" is teaching us a lesson. However, this one I must stress to every woman, including myself.