When you watch a movie for the first time, there's a lot to take in: the plot line, the characters' names and their relationships, the setting. But, with all this to take in, we could miss some things, like some of the things the characters say.
Take "The Breakfast Club," this movie may seem like it's just a movie about some stereotypical teenagers screwing around in detention. It's popular among teens, but it's also really a movie for the parents. If you listen closely, there's actually some profound things the characters say that will make you think twice about what direction you want to take in life.
1. "We're all pretty bizarre, some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all." -Andrew
This is my favorite quote of the movie because I think it is the most applicable to everyone. People are so fast to judge other people because they're "weird." But really, all of us are bizarre in some way, we just have different ways of expressing it.
2."It's unavoidable, it just happens... when you grow up, your heart dies." -Allison
Some people think adults are buzzkills and have no fun. For some people, this may be true. In Allison's eyes, the reason they are like this is because their heart dies. In some way, I think this is true. When you're young, you're more carefree, but as you grow up you come to face the realities of life: like getting a job or paying bills.
3."Well, everyone's home life is unsatisfying. If it wasn't, people would live with their parents forever." -Andrew
To some extent, this quote is true. Granted, some people have terrible home lives and others don't, but it still applies some way to everyone. You could be unsatisfied with how your parents constantly baby you, and give you little freedom. But we need to appreciate this to understand how everyone has problems.
4. "...And these children that you spit on... They're quite aware of what they're going through...." -David Bowie, "Changes"
While this isn't actually spoken by any of the characters in the movie, it's the last thing the audience sees before the movie really begins. It's an interesting quote because it sets the tone for the whole movie. Mr. Vernon constantly looks down on all the kids in detention and treats them with disrespect. Yet, he is unaware of who they actually are and the various pressures they have going on. In our lives, we can be completely oblivious to what's going on in someone's life as we refuse to actually get to know them.
5. "My God, are we gonna be like our parents?" -Andrew
Our parents are a constant model for us as we grow up. Growing up, they help to encourage us to find an identity for ourselves, yet some people might say "oh, you remind me so much of your mother/father." Lots of times, people end up modeling their behavior after their parents. However, some people are the exact opposite if they hate their parents' behavior. So the question is, will we be like our parents?
6. "When I look in at myself you know... And I see me, I don't like what I see." -Brian
We always are the fastest to criticize ourselves. When we see ourselves, we can point out numerous flaws in our appearance, or abilities. In this particular part of the movie, Bran feels like a failure, and we can all relate to him in some way. We may feel inferior in school, at home, or with our friends. Because of this line, it makes Brian the most relatable character to us as he understands exactly what pressure is, and what it does to us.
7. "Screws fall out all the time. The world's an imperfect place." -Bender
This line may seem like a simple line thrown in just for comic relief, but it carries more meaning than you think. The world is a imperfect place, full of positivity, and some hatred. We turn on the news to see some mass shooting occurring, and who did it and why. What if they're mind was full of "screws," and they slowly became loose, and then fell out?
8. "Spend a little more time trying to make something of yourself and a little less time trying to impress people." -Mr. Vernon
As much as we come to hate Mr. Vernon, this line shocks us. This line is said to Bender, who is constantly messing around, allegedly trying to impress others rather than becoming a better person. Sometimes, we try to impress others so they want to be our friend. Really, we should be focusing on bettering ourselves so people will like us for who we really are.
9. "I hate it. I hate having to go along with everything my friends say... you just don't understand the pressure they can put on you." -Claire
Have you ever had a moment when you didn't agree with something your friends did but you did it anyway because you felt pressured? Most of us probably have. But it's true, you may not enjoy everything your friends do, but you feel peer pressured to go along with them because they are your friends and friends are supposed to support each other.
10. "...But what we found is that each one of us is a brain, and an athlete, and a basket case, a princess, and a criminal."
The end of the movie essay really ties together the whole movie beautifully. When Mr. Vernon first sees all these kids in detention, he refuses to see them as anything else except for their stereotypes. When we first see the characters, we see them as their stereotypes as well. As the movie goes on, we start to discover that these kids are more similar than we think. They all experience pressure put on them by parents, they all can be conceited at times, and they all have issues with how they see themselves. They all end up seeing traits of the other people in themselves. Granted, Andrew isn't going to start robbing the nearest grocery store, but you get the point. All of us deep down are the same, we just have to get beyond the surface to see that.
"We are not alone 'cause when you cut down to the bone, we're really not so different after all." -"We are not Alone," Karla DeVito