Now that syllabus week is over, it's time to face the reality that another semester has hit. We all need a little motivation and friendly reminders that we can do it and this semester can be even better than the last.
1. "This is the beginning of anything you want."
The pen is in your hand. Just because your classes are hard or you friends are abroad doesn't mean your semester is doomed.
2. "Either you run the day or the day runs you."
Take charge. If you have a busy day just embrace it. A busy day is even worse if you are miserable when you are doing it. Tackle it one class or meeting at a time and feel accomplished after each one that you checked something off the list.
3. "It's better to look back and say 'I can't believe I did that' than say 'I wish I did that.'"
This one speaks for itself. There are more papers and exams but not more formals or weekend hikes with friends.
4. "Life is about making an impact, not an income."
Sometimes the pressure to graduate college, go to grad school and land a killer job can be exhausting. Do what you want to do and don't feel pressured to do something just because of the money you will make one day.
5. "What screws us up most in life is the picture of how it's supposed to be."
Your future isn't set it stone. There is no clear picture of what you do, you're the one creating it. So don't get caught up in how it should be, but what it is.
6. "Always go with the choice that scares you the most, because it is usually the one to help you grow."
Take a leap and go for it. If it scares you its probably because it involves change which is never easy.
7. "5 by 5 rule- if it's not going to matter in 5 years, don't spend 5 minutes worrying about it."
Don't sweat the little things. It's fine that your crush didn't text you back or that you got a bad grade on that paper, it will soon all be irrelevant.
8. "It never gets easier, you just get better."
Every semester is hard, some just seem easier because you handle it better. Remember the study habits that work, plan out your weeks, and you'll be just fine. You just have to do it.
9. "Go your own way."
Find your path, not your parents' path or your friends' path. This is your time to do what you want to do while you still can.
10. and finally.... "You were born to be real not to be perfect."
You will make mistakes again this semester, we all do. But that's all part of the experience.