Alas, it is upon us. Finals week. No sleep, no emotional stability, and lots and lots of cups of coffee. For some of us, it is the only thing that wakes us up in the morning. It is the dark sun that heats our bodies and melts our hearts. And so, we fall in love. Placebo or not, coffee gets the job done. How fascinating, this little drug comes a long way. Here are 10 quick, bet ya'-didn't-know facts on coffee!
1. Coffee stands for “Wine of the bean."
2. Eighty-three percent of Americans drink coffee.
3. And they spend over $1000 on it each year.
4. Coffee grows on trees!
5. Coffee beans are fruit.
6. In order to grow and make one cup of coffee it takes around 37 gallons of water.
7. Coffee cools slower when you add cream!
8. Milk however weakens coffee.
9. Research has found that there’s a correlation between drinking coffee and having a low risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
10. Dark roast coffee has less caffeine than light roast coffee.
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