Going to college online is not ideal. For me personally, I feel like I am practically teaching myself, 5 classes, on my own. I constantly struggle with making time to relax and let my break take a break. Especially in this time of quarantine, my mental health has been struggling a lot more than it has in the past. These past few weeks I have been trying new ways to give myself a break and help with the anxieties of online school. Here are my top ten ways I like to do that.
Late Night Drives
This is my favorite form of destressing. Every few nights after a long day of classwork, I always find a new album or playlist to blast in my car with the windows down and take my mind off things.
Journaling has been proven to help with mental health. Whether you struggle with mental health or not, this is something that can help anyone get their thoughts together. Everyday I try to write something I'm grateful or just about my day. Plus, the best part is looking back at them and reminding you of all the little things you did in the past few months.
I am the furthest thing from an artist. Even though I am, that doesn't mean I don't enjoy painting. Grab a pack of paints from your nearest michaels and a canvas or two and get creative.
Reading a Book
I know we all might be sick of reading at this point in the semester. Although, finding a book you throughly enjoy is more of a treat than a task like homework is. Go pick up that book you've been telling yourself you're gonna read and read a few pages every time you get overwhelmed with classwork.
Whether you pick up premade cookie dough, box cake, or make something from scratch, baking something only takes about an hour. That is the perfect task to take a break from class and you get a tasty reward when you're done.
Go For a Run
Exercise is another thing that is proven to help mental health. I know going to the gym might be too time consuming or might leave you exhausted after, so try going for a short run. It will help you take your mind off things and clear your head and help you feel healthy in the long run.
Take a Bubble BathÂ
One of my favorite treats for myself is buying bath bombs. I will go to the store and pick out a few favorites and set out a night to treat myself to a nice warm bubble bath. I might even prop my laptop on my toilet and watch my favorite movie.
Something I've recently started doing is Yoga. I've never gone to an actual class, but there are hundreds of videos you can follow on youtube that are only about 15 minutes each. That's the perfect amount of time for a brain break.
If you have a podcast app on your phone, there are hundreds of free meditations to follow. They are all usually about 30 minutes each and help you relax that mind that has been going all day.
I know all of us get super busy in school and don't make time to cook a good and healthy meal. Those oven pizzas are practically my go-to when I get too overwhelmed in school. Take an hour out of your day to try that dinner recipe you have saved in your phone that you've been dying to try.