If you had your first round of Q&A family style during Thanksgiving, pour yourself a glass of wine, you deserve a break. Hopefully, you were able to escape unscathed. Maybe you even got to avoid it altogether and skipped going home for the feast in exchange for spending it with the family of a close friends. They never ask questions. Regardless, the holiday season is upon us my friends, and it is brutal out there. Here are 10 questions that I guarantee someone asks you before the new year.
Are you dating someone?
Because your personal life is never actually personal when the family arrives.
it is sure to be followed up with an even more outrageous question like...
Can we meet them?
To scare them away with more invasive questions? Let's not.
How is school going?
GREAT. It's fine. I'm fine.
What are you going to do once you graduate?
For the love of all things holy. DO NOT ASK THAT QUESTION
“You know... when I was your age…"
No I don't. But I bet you will tell me.
When are you ACTUALLY going to get a job?
Maybe after I turn in the 4 group projects, take all 6 finals, and write 3 essays. I don't know, once I get a degree and 3-5 years of professional experience. Didn't we already talk about this?
What happened to you ex "so and so"?
The one from 5 years ago? I moved on. Can you please do the same now?
When are you going to get married?
Did you hear about what “so and so’s” kid/cousin/friend did?
The one that graduated top of their class at Harvard, had an internship with Google, and has a job offer from the White house? Yes, I have, many times, from you.
What is your major, again?
The same one it was last year Grandma, and yes I can still get a job with it.