1. Do I actually have to get up this early everyday?
I averaged approximately 10 to 13 hours of sleep a day this summer. No exaggeration. And nothing has been harder than having to basically cut those numbers in half because of early classes. We’re only one week in and I already have mild PTSD from my 9 a.m. classes.
2. Why does everyone look good all the time?
Some people joke that along with the BC application, students must submit a headshot because our student body is just that attractive. And while some college students may be fine slumming it in sweats all day everyday, the average BC student has everything from their shoes to their hair on point at any given time.
3. Are you serious with these reading quizzes?
My most missed memory of high school quite honestly may be the easy reading quizzes of lit class. On the best of days I actually opened the book and skimmed the pages and on the worst I was too lazy to even read Sparknotes. But because the quizzes were generally cut and dry plot questions I still did well. In college, if you can’t remember the nineteenth word on the forty-second page then you clearly didn’t read with enough attention. (Perspectives I’m talking to you.)
4. Did they stay together over the summer?
Nothing is more difficult than subtly gauging if certain couples were able to survive the crazy long summer apart. In the general interest of not offending anyone, I’ve had to revert to some serious social media stalking or casual accosting of the subject’s roommate to figure out their dating status.
5. How am I supposed to make my money last more than the first month?
College is expensive no doubt. Just for reference, BC tuition is more than the average U.S. income. Sorry Mom and Dad. But the price of college doesn’t stop there. Just being in college is crazy expensive, especially during syllabus weeks. Textbooks, school supplies and going out have basically reduced my bank account to a few pennies. And it’s just the first week.
6. Why do you feel the need to introduce yourself to the professor?
I’m all for fostering a relationship with your professor. For the amount of money we spend to be here, BC professors should essentially become our BFFs. But what I can’t comprehend is some students' incessant need to personally introduce himself or herself to every professor during syllabus week. This a lecture with 250 students, I’m not sure the professor can remember his own name at the end of the hour, let alone yours.
7. Why are there so many stairs here?
The million dollar stairs get all the hype here and for good reason. They suck. Like burning pain, major sweating kind of suck. But these aren’t the only godforsaken stairs on campus. The stairs to upper, the stairs to dorms, the stairs to class. BC just has way too many stairs. The fact that I was still able to gain the freshman 15 with all these stairs never ceases to amaze me.
8. What is this class even about?
BC provides an awesome, well-rounded education. But with it comes a lot of core requirements. Like a lot. I am currently taking so many arbitrary classes to satisfy my non-major core that more than once during syllabus week I sat in class confused as to how any of the information lectured is actually necessary for me to know.
9. What am I going to do on a Wednesday night?
Syllabus week is the one week a semester where you are actually expected to go out every night. But options can get a little sketchy on a random weeknight in Chestnut Hill. Sometimes having a good time on a Wednesday night requires a little creativity.
10. Are you sure we can’t have syllabus month?
As exhausting as syllabus week is, there’s no doubt it’s one of the best weeks of the semester. I’ll admit that I’m very sad to see it go. See you in January, sylly week!