Tourette’s syndrome is a neurological disorder which falls under the umbrella of tic disorders. Tourette’s Syndrome, often referred to as TS, is characterized by at least two motor tics and one vocal, or phonic tic over a period of time lasting over a year. Tics are involuntary and often repetitive movements or vocalizations. Because of these tics, people with TS, or "ticcers" if you will, deal with a lot of uncomfortable social situations. These situations can spur a lot of questions and comments. To save you the time, here are the answers to all your Tourette's questions.
1. Do you need a tissue?
I don't know about you, but I'm constantly sniffing. It's honestly become easier to just take the tissue rather than explain my neurological condition.
2. What's wrong with your face?
First of all, rude! Second, of all, I probably didn't even notice I was ticcing, but now that I'm hyper aware of it, it's all I'll be able to think about.
3. Can you stop that?
No actually. I literally can't. And now I feel uncomfortable because I know you're annoyed.
4. What did you just say?
Coprolalia, the most well-known type of tic, is the involuntary vocalization of obscenities and yes, it is completely involuntary and unavoidable for the 10 - 15 percent of ticcers who have this symptom.
5. So do you just swear all the time and blame it on your TS?
No way. It's uncomfortable enough when I don't do it on purpose.
6. There's no way you have TS, you're joking, right?
Yep you got me! But seriously, why would anyone fake a neurological disorder? Especially one that causes such awkward situations.
7. So how does that work?
I literally have no idea. Neither do scientists. It's fine.
8. How do you treat that?
There actually aren't many FDA approved treatments for controlling tics, and most medications have a lot of unwanted side effects. Because of this, most people go without treatment.
9. Will it ever go away?
For some people, TS gets better with time. For others, it gets worse. So...maybe?
10. Where can I learn more?
This is the one question I'll never get tired of answering because I love spreading the word and busting myths about TS.
To learn more, you can visit the Tourette Association of America website.